Today, on 26th April 2010, Museo Picasso Málaga presents a new approach to the artworks by Pablo Picasso that belong to its permanent collection, highlighting the wide range of themes the artist tackled during his prolific artistic career.
·";" As from tomorrow, Tuesday 27th April, and again, with a second instalment, as from Tuesday 20th July, visitors will be able to discover the MPM collection&rsquo";“s new layout. Until October of this year, the public will be able to view all 233 works that make up the museum&rsquo”;"s entire art holdings following its recent expansion, in two separate instalments.
·";" A New Approach is the follow-up to the project for the expansion and consolidation of the MPM&rsquo";"s art holdings, after the creation of the Fundación Museo Picasso Málaga. Legado Paul, Christine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso. This process will culminate in October, when the collection will once again be shown alongside the works on free loan from the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso ( FABA).
·";" This presentation coincides with the publication of a guidebook which contains information and a number of brief essays on the MPM, as well as the full catalogue of the MPM permanent collection&rsquo";"s art holdings, and ten academic studies on its ten most representative artworks.
&ldquo";“Among the various sins of which I am accused, none is as false as the one that which states my work is fundamentally driven by a spirit of research. My objective when I paint is to show what I have found, not what I am looking for. In art, intentions are not enough and, as we say in Spanish: obras son amores y no buenas razones (actions speak louder than words). What matters is what one does, not what one intended to do&rdquo”;". This was how Pablo Picasso defined the purpose of his art. He tackled his work with talent, hard work, precise technique and, above all, indomitable creative freedom.
By presenting its permanent collection in this way, the museum is providing a storyline to the artist&rsquo";“s work”;" a fresh approach to the discoveries that led Picasso to be considered the most important artist of the 20th century. With this in mind, Museo Picasso Malaga is inviting visitors to examine ten key features of Picasso&rsquo";"s aesthetic legacy.
For the very first time, visitors to MPM will be able to view the new artworks that have been made available by the recent expansion of the permanent collection, some of which have rarely been shown in public before. The inclusion of these works has been made possible thanks to the commitment of Christine, Almine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, and the support of the Junta de Andalusia&rsquo";"s Cultural Council following the creation of the Fundación Museo Picasso Málaga. Legado Paul, Christine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso.
A themed layout Now, the halls of the Palacio de Buenavista will highlight the diversity of the themes dealt with in Picasso&rsquo";“s artworks: his relationship with Malaga”;" the versatility of his talent";" his concern for underprivileged members of society";" the family";" the Cubist revolution";" his political engagement";" his reinterpretation of the Classical genres";" the Eros-Thanatus binomial";" the artist&rsquo";"s studio, and his ability to carry out creative processes.
Works on paper constitute a significant part of the MPM&rsquo";"s holdings, so for reasons of space and conservation these works will be presented in two instalments: the first part can be viewed from Tuesday 27th April, and the second part will be shown to the public as from 20th July.
To coincide with this presentation, MPM is publishing a guidebook containing information on the museum: its background, the history of the collection, the artworks and highlights, and the architecture and archaeology of the Palacio de Buenavista. One of the leading international experts on Picasso&rsquo";"s work, Marilyn McCully, has collaborated in this publication. The new guidebook, which has been published in both Spanish and English, is on sale at the MPM Bookshop, and may be consulted for reference at the MPM Library.
MPM is also offering a series of tours of the collection to local groups. These tours will be led by various people involved in Malaga&rsquo";"s cultural life, and are aimed at encouraging discussion of art, expression, and the work of Pablo Picasso.
This new layout of the Museo Picasso Malaga&rsquo";“s permanent collection is on view until October of this year, when the MPM&rsquo”;"s art holdings will once again be shown alongside the 43 works that are on free loan via a 15-year contract with the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso (FABA). These works by Pablo Picasso would have been impossible to purchase under market conditions. Other works on loan or on long-term deposit will also be on display, such as the ones owned by the Spanish Ministry of Culture, for example, which purchased two works in order to deposit them at MPM, thanks to a donation from the Spanish savings bank, Unicaja.