Registration is now open at Museo Picasso Málaga for the international seminar “Guernica. The Survival of a Myth”, organized in collaboration with Fundación General de la Universidad de Málaga (FGUMA) and which will be held on 18th and 19th November.
Experts from around the world will discuss Guernica’s position in contemporary popular culture, its importance in debates about the ethics of representation, and the tension in the image’s legacy regarding the artistic balance between the vernacular and the global.
With the call for submissions now closed, and the final programme ready, the registration period is now open for those attending, either in person or online, the speeches, debates, talks and lectures that will be held over the two days. Alongside the director of the seminar, Pepe Karmel, Professor of Art History at New York University, the seminar will be attended by other distinguished experts such as W.J.T. Mitchell, from the University of Chicago; Timothy J. Clark, from the University of California, Berkeley; Andrea Giunta, from Universidad de Buenos Aires, and South African artist William Kentridge. Registration is 90 €, both online and in person, and can be completed at www.museopicassomalaga.org
Guernica transcends its dimension as a work of art and has become an image capable of creating a busy crossroad of meanings, where its power as a myth, popular icon, or enlightened cultural symbol converges on a global scale. Over the years, the painting has been the subject of academic studies from many perspectives: historical approaches that examine the impact of the events depicted on the canvas; biographical studies that explain the painting in terms of issues and circumstances experienced by the artist; museographic ones, focussing on the different ways in which the work has been hung in the 41 exhibitions where it has been shown over the years; formal studies which, in the 20th century, examine in detail the lines and colours seen on the canvas; and technical ones, the result of conservation analysis and restoration processes.
Today, in the 21st century, the complex universe of Guernica offers us a broad spectrum of interpretative possibilities that invite us to explore beyond the canvas, particularly in the sphere of sociocultural critique.
Complete program, in this link