Film screenings at the Picasso. Museums in movies
The aim of these sessions is to examine the relationship between cinema, history and museums, after screenings of films related to this theme.
The movie camera has delved inside museums on numerous occasions throughout the history of filmmaking. Many stories have been set in these places, which have traditionally been devoted to culture and reflection. The idea of including a museum space in the narrative has also been to convey the potential of exhibition rooms for reflection and allegory. In them, all kinds of questions arise concerning history, the construction of historical identity, society, memory, archives and aesthetic values.
The aim of these three sessions is to examine the relationship between cinema, history and museums, after screenings of films related to this theme. Experts on filmmaking have been invited to talk about three films in which exhibition rooms serve as the backdrop and setting of the story, but also as a metaphor for other, different meanings, such as historic, pedagogical and aesthetic discourse.
Jointly organized by Fundación Picasso-Museo Casa Natal, Museo Picasso Málaga and Obra Social &ldquo";“la Caixa&rdquo”;"
Wednesday 11th June, 5.00pm. Russikiy Kovcheg / Russian Ark. Aleksandr Sokurov. 2002. 95mn. Russian with Spanish subtitles. Presented by: Juan Antonio Vigar.Director of Malaga Spanish Film Festival.
The protagonist, who is invisible to us, is wandering through the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. In each room of the palace he encounters real and fictitious characters from different periods of the palace&rsquo";“s 300-year history. He is joined by a companion, &ldquo”;“the European&rdquo”;", who is the 19th-century traveller the Marquis de Custine.
Thursday 12th June, 5.00pm Screening: Museum Hours. Jem Cohen. 2012. 106mn. German with English subtitles. Presented by: Víctor A. Gómez.Head of the Culture section of La Opinión de Málaga newspaper.
A guard at the Kunsthistoriches Museum in Vienna meets Anne, an erratic woman who visits the museum collection. The relationship that develops between the two in the museum&rsquo";"s exhibition rooms expands to encompass other areas and spaces, such as life, the city and art.
Friday 13the June, 5.00pm Screening: How to steal a million. William Wyler. 1966. 118mn. English with Spanish subtitles. Presented by: Francisco Griñán.Journalist and film critic for Diario SUR newspaper.
Nicole&rsquo";“s father, a famous art collector, lends his priceless Cellini Venus to a leading Paris museum. However the Venus was not sculpted by Cellini, but by Nicole&rsquo”;"s grandfather, who was a forger. Before tests can prove it is a copy, Nicole enlists the services of a society thief to steal the statue.
Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium. Admission free until all seats are taken.