To rethink the museum as an element that forms collective identity, to analyse its role in Europe today and to examine how it is woven into the fabric of contemporary society, leads us to the formulation of many questions which need to be discussed transversally, and which can serve as the starting point for generating critical and constructive debate.
Based on this need for dialogue, on 25th and 26th September, Museo Picasso Málaga will be hosting the international seminar European Museums, mutations and migrations, the aim of which is to analyse the role of European museums at a time of profound mutations, with significant migrations not only of large flows of human beings, but also cultural values and economic principles.
This seminar is based on an initiative of the French Embassy in Spain and is the result of collaboration between the Institut Français Espagne, Centre Pompidou Málaga and Museo Picasso Málaga.
Museums are places for reflection, emotion and encounters, and they can play an even more active role in the construction of a culturally open and diverse Europe. Over two days, experts will be travelling to Málaga to analyse the role of European museums at time of profound mutations, marked in particular by the migration not only of large flows of human beings but also of cultural values and economic principles. Reflecting on the profound changes taking place in Europe will help to analyse the sustainability of the new models of museum mediation.
Professionals and academics from various European countries will be participating in this international gathering, sharing their work and viewpoints on three themes: museum programming, visitor diversity and the integration of the museum into the sociocultural domain. Experts such as Christopher Whitehead, Professor of museology, Newcastle University; Iris Müller-Westermann, Director of Moderna Museet, Malmö; Bruno David, President of the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris; Bernd Scherer, Director of Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin; Iain Chambers, Professor of Mediterranean cultural and postcolonial studies and professor of Sociology of cultural processes, Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Naples; Pierre-Henri Alquier, Director of cultural development, Musée des Confluences, Lyon; Judit Carrera, Director of Centre de Cultura Contemporània, Barcelona, Stephanie Airaud, Head of public outreach and cultural action, MAC VAL – Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine, and Brigitte Leal, deputy director, Musée National d’Art Moderne Centre Pompidou, Paris, will be considering the diversification of viewpoints in museums, as opposed to more traditional approaches, and mutations and new ways of approaching the issue of a public dealing with migration.
Málaga is responding to an EU-wide challenge
This seminar is part of an initiative by the French Embassy in Spain, which supports it as part of the Institut Français Espagne (TIFE)’s Culture Season which is dedicated in 2019 to the subject of Europe. With the title “We, Europe”, it comprises a series of events developed in collaboration with partners from all over Spain, with the aim of reinforcing a cultural Europe. The seminar is also the continuation of an international gathering organized by the Centre Pompidou in Paris on 8th April, the purpose of which was to question the contribution of museums to the future of Europe. Museo Picasso Málaga and Centre Pompidou Málaga therefore responded proactively in Málaga, a city that is enjoying a huge rise in museum activity. Reflecting on the profound changes taking place in Europe will help to ensure the sustainability of new models of museum mediation. The two sessions will be held in the Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium, Plaza de la Higuera s/n (access via Calle Alcazabilla).
Guided Tours
The seminar programme includes organized guided tours of the exhibition rooms at the Centre Pompidou Málaga, on the morning of Thursday, 26th September. Participants and registered attendees will be able to visit the semi-permanent exhibition Modern Utopias , as well as the temporary one, Jim Dine at the Centre Pompidou Málaga, guided by a mediator at 10.00am, 11.30am, and 12.30pm. Follow the conversation on #MuseosEuropeos #TIFE2019
4.30pm. Opening session, led by Anne Louyot. Counsellor for Cultural Cooperation and Action at the French Embassy in Spain, and General Director of Institut Français Espagne . José María Luna. Director of the public agency for the management of the Pablo Ruiz Picasso Birthplace Museum and other museum and cultural facilities. José Lebrero Stals, Artistic Director of Museo Picasso Málaga.
5.00pm. Migrations and identities: approaches, representation and discourses. Christopher Whitehead. Professor of museology, Newcastle University.
5.40pm. Case Studies: Experiences in Barcelona, Paris and Berlin Judit Carrera. Director, Centre de Cultura Contemporània, Barcelona. Bruno David. President, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. Bernd Scherer. Director, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin.
6.55pm. Open Dialogue: Mutations. A European Debate Moderated by Brigitte Leal, Deputy director, Musée National d’Art Moderne Centre Pompidou, Paris
5.00pm. Paper: Public: migration, diversity and territory. Iain Chambers. Professor of Mediterranean cultural and postcolonial studies and professor of sociology of cultural processes, Università degli Studi di Napoli L’Orientale, Naples.
5.40pm. Case Studies: Experiences in Lyon, Mälmo and Vitry-sur-Seine:
Pierre-Henri Alquier. Director of cultural development, Musée des Confluences, Lyon.
Iris Müller-Westermann. Director, Moderna Museet, Malmö.
Stéphanie Airaud. Head of public outreach and cultural action, MAC VAL – Musée d’art contemporain du Val-de-Marne, Vitry-sur-Seine.
6.55ppm. Open Dialogue: Migrations: a European debate