The exhibition that Museo Picasso Málaga devoted to the works by Martin Kippenberger that were inspired by Picasso was of great interest to the public. It received a total of 61,588 visitors between 22 February, when the exhibition opened, and Sunday 5th June, when it closed.
Martin Kippenberger (Dortmund, Germany, 1953 &ndash";" Vienna, Austria, 1997) was a controversial and multidisciplinary artist who, from his early years to the end of his life, was deeply interested in Pablo Picasso as an artist. This appeal led to him producing a number of works and entire series that referred directly to the Andalusian artist. A large selection of these were on view at MPM in the Kippenberger Meets Picasso show. Curated by Eva Meyer-Hermann, the exhibition provided an opportunity both to discover Kippenberger&rsquo";“s own work, and to consider Pablo Picasso&rsquo”;"s oeuvre from the perspective of the German artist.
This exhibition was the second in a series that MPM initiated 2010, with the aim of examining the various forms of relationship that was set up between key artists of the second half of the 20th century and Pablo Picasso.
Upcoming Exhibitions Picasso at Work. Through the lens of David Douglas Duncan and Cartoons on the Front Line are the two temporary exhibitions that will open on 20th June. Curated by contemporary art consultants Stephanie Ansari and Tatyana Franck, the first exhibition brings together a total of 116 photographs, selected from among the thousands that photojournalist David Douglas Duncan took of Pablo Picasso and his environment, and some 70 works by Picasso that establish a dialogue with the photographs, providing a glimpse of the unique world in which the artist worked.
After being on show at the Museu Picasso in Barcelona, Cartoons on the Front Line arrives in Andalusia to illustrate Pablo Picasso&rsquo";“s involvement, on both a personal and an artistic level, with the historic events that took place in Spain during the Civil War. The exhibition revolves around Dream and Lie of Franco, two aquatints belonging to the MPM&rsquo”;“s permanent collection that were produced by Picasso in 1937 and which are clear antecedents of Guernica, the mural that he painted the same year for the Spanish Republic&rsquo”;"s Pavilion at the International Exhibition in Paris. Around these aquatints is gathered a selection of works by Picasso, along with works by other artists and illustrators such as Francisco de Goya, Josep Renau, Toño Salazar and Mauricio Amster. In all, over 120 works that convey the concern and commitment of these artists when confronted with war.