Opened the Museo Picasso Málaga
Five years of the MPM
On Monday 27 October 2003, Their Majesties the King and Queen of Spain opened the Museo Picasso Málaga. They were accompanied by Manuel Chaves, the President of the Regional Government of Andalusia, and by Christine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, the artist’s daughter-in-law and grandson, along with most of the members of Picasso’s family and a large number of other public figures. In October 2004, the opening of the Library, Auditorium and Education Department completed MPM’s 8,300 m2 facilities.
THE MPM COLLECTION: DONATIONS AND DEPOSITS Between 1997 and 2002, Christine and Bernard Ruiz-Picasso donated 155 works from their own private collections, inherited from Paul Ruiz-Picasso, the artist’s eldest son, who had in turn inherited them from his father, Pablo Picasso. The part donated by the painter’s daughter-in-law comprises 133 works, and the part donated by his son and grandson, twenty-two works. These 155 works include paintings, drawings, sculptures, ceramics and graphic work produced between 1892 and 1972, and covering practically all the artistic styles that were employed by Picasso.
Since 6 March 2007, the MPM has exhibited two pictures by Pablo Picasso deposited by the Spanish Ministry of Culture. The incorporation of these works into the museum’s holdings was made possible by a donation from Unicaja savings bank. The two works are Portrait of Paul (1922) and The Artist’s Wife (1923).
EXHIBITIONS El Picasso de los Picassos 27 October 2003 – 29 February 2004 The Museo Picasso Málaga opened its temporary exhibition galleries with “El Picasso de los Picasso”. This unique exhibition emphasized the family character of the Museum since some of the pieces shown came from the Picasso family’s private collections and from the Picasso Museums in Antibes, Barcelona and Paris. Other pieces were loaned by the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, the Musée National Centre d’Art Georges Pompidou and the Beyeler Foundation. The exhibition, curated by Carmen Giménez, comprised 87 oil paintings and sculptures created between 1903 and 1971, all of which were part of Picasso’s legacy to his heirs, except for three pieces: El retrato de la señora Canals and Las Meninas from the Museu Picasso, Barcelona and La Celestina, from the Musée Picasso, Paris.
Ceramics 9 July – 3 October 2004 From 9 July until 3 October 2004 the MPM hosted an exhibition of forty-three Picasso’s ceramics, from 1947 to 1965. Ceramics became a channel of great artistic discovery for Picasso. He set out to dominate an ancient artistic tradition and not only ended up infusing new life into it but also managed to make it his own.
Picasso. Anthology (1895–1971) 27 October 2004 – 28 February 2005 On the occasion of its first anniversary, the Museum inaugurated this exhibition of 132 works, including canvases, drawings, sculptures and ceramics. The works enabled visitors to appreciate Picasso’s diverse and complex artistic language, which evolved constantly throughout his prolific career. The works came from the collections of the Museu Picasso, Barcelona, and the Musée National Picasso, Paris, the Fundación Almine y Bernard Ruiz-Picasso para el Arte, as well as loans from private collections.
Picasso. Toros 1 April – 3 July 2005 The art of bullfighting was a theme favoured by Picasso. It fascinated him and he constantly portrayed it. The sixty-one works by Pablo Picasso came from the Musée National Picasso, Paris; Museu Picasso, Barcelona; Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid; Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid; Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Museum Berggruen, Berlin; Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg; Museo Cau Ferrat, Sitges; The University of Michigan Museum of Art in the US; and other institutions and private collections. A selection of important Iberian bull sculptures was also included in the show to contextualize Picasso’s representation within a significant art historical context. The exhibition was directed by Bernardo Laniado-Romero.
Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition 24 October 2005 – 5 February 2006 Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition was exhibited at the Museo Picasso Málaga and co-organized with the Sociedad Estatal para Exposiciones Internacionales. The exhibition brought Pablo Picasso’s astounding ceramic artworks face-to-face with the millenary tradition of pottery in Mediterranean culture. Curated by Marilyn McCully and Michael Raeburn, this exhibition invited the viewer to share in the dialogue between fifty-six original works by the artist and thirty-six works from different historical periods ranging from Antiquity to the nineteenth century, and from different parts of Europe.
The Picassos from Antibes 13 March – 11 June 2006 The Picassos from Antibes marked the first occasion when most of the works by Picasso in the Musée Picasso, Antibes, have been visited together other space. Many of the works in this exhibition have never before been shown outside the walls of Château Grimaldi. These included the murals La Joie de vivre (1946), The Sea Urchin Eater(1946) and the impressive sculpture Head of Woman with Chignon (1932). In all, seventy-three works, featuring paintings, drawings, sculptures and ceramics that serve to illustrate a splendid period in Picasso’s artistic career. The Picassos from Antibes was organized by the Musée Picasso, Antibes; the Museo Picasso Málaga; and the Museu Picasso, Barcelona, with the collaboration of the Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales. A selection of photographs by Michel Sima completed the exhibition, which was curated by María Teresa Ocaña and Bernardo Laniado-Romero.
Picasso as Seen by Otero 17 July – 3 September 2006 At the end of 2005, the Museo Picasso Málaga acquired the photographic archive of Roberto Otero, more than 1,500 images that depict, in the most exceptional way, Pablo Picasso’s everyday life and creative processes in the 1960s. Under the title Picasso Seen by Otero, the MPM presented a selection from this archive that featured sixty-two photographs illustrating the great Andalusian artist’s most intimate moments. The exhibition was curated by Sophia Díez.
Picasso. Muses and Models 2 October 2006 – 28 February 2007 Picasso. Muses and Models featured a total of forty-six paintings, fourteen drawings and six sculptures that allowed an intimate glimpse into the lives of these highly distinct individuals and reveal the powerful presence of women in Picasso’s artistic production. The majority of the works on display were portraits and nudes, dating from the beginning of the twentieth century, when Fernande Olivier was his companion, to the final years of his life, which he spent alongside Jacqueline Roque. The exhibition was curated by Bernardo Laniado-Romero and co-produced with the Sociedad Estatal de Conmemoraciones Culturales (SECC).
The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 26 March – 24 June 2007 Extended until 9 September 2007 Matisse, Balthus, Chagall, Dubuffet, Giacometti, Magritte and Miró are among the icons of twentieth-century art represented in the exhibition. The fifty works of art, including paintings, sculptures, drawings and prints, that made up this remarkable group were a selection from the donation of works from the collection of art dealer Pierre Matisse and his wife, Maria-Gaetana von Spreti, made to the New York Museum in 2002. Curated by Bernardo Laniado-Romero.
Picasso. Small Figure. The Collection in Context 4 June – 16 September 2007 The bronze sculpture Small Figure, created exactly one hundred years ago in 1907, was the subject of the first in a new series of exhibitions to be presented with the title “The Collection in Context”. These exhibitions will aim to locate selected works from the Collection of the Museo Picasso Málaga in their historical and artistic context. The works of art brought together on this occasion explored the influences of non-western cultures on this important sculpture. In addition to other works by Picasso that reveal these characteristics, the exhibition, curated by the expert Marilyn McCully, included works by Gauguin as well as related examples of American and African sculpture.
Picasso. Object and Image 22 October 2007 – 27 January 2008 Picasso. Object and Image revealed the connections between the different visual languages in which Picasso worked throughout his life. The selection of works examined the artist’s working methods in different media and how they influenced each other, often bringing into the process the challenges of shapes and materials. The exhibition brought together sixty works in different techniques and materials, among which the ceramic pieces are particularly important. Curated by Salvador Haro and Harald Theil, experts in Picasso’s ceramics.
On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950 18 February – 25 May 2008 Curated by Ute Eskildsen, Director of the Photography Department at the Museum Folkwang in Essen (Germany), the exhibition On the Human Being: International Photography 1900–1950 explored humankind’s fascination with deciphering the keys to its own existence, in order to recognize itself and make itself recognizable in the gaze of the other. The show brought together 111 photographs, from sixty-eight of the leading figures from the first half of the twentieth century. Cecil Beaton, Brassaï, Claude Cahun, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alvin Langdon Coburn, André Kertész, El Lissitzky, László Moholy-Nagy, Irving Penn, Man Ray, Alexander Rodtchenko, August Sander and Edward Steichen are some of the photographers featured in the exhibition, organized with the collaboration of the Museum Folkwang. Among the most striking pieces were portraits, some of well-known people, others depicting anonymous, but powerfully evocative, faces.
Moments and Gazes. Picasso as Seen by Otero 16 June – 20 August 2008 The everyday atmosphere in Picasso’s studio, with his family and friends, was one of the main themes running through this new selection of images by the photographer Roberto Otero, which the MPM showed in summer 2008. With these photographs, the Museum, which exhibited the first selection in the summer of 2006, will reveal Picasso’s more private, personal sphere, with the aim of giving the visitor a different look at the man behind the myth. Curated by Sofía Díez and Carmina David-Jones.
Beyond Painting. Max Ernst in the Würth Collection 22 September 2008 – 1 March 2009 Described by André Breton as “the most magnificently tormented mind that could possibly exist”, Max Ernst was one of the leading figures of twentieth-century art. His overwhelming imagination, deluded, exalted and rebellious, produced a transgressive body of work that underwent constant experimentation and which was inhabited by fantastical creatures and impossible situations. The exhibition opens up in the Museo Picasso Malaga a window onto this unique world, inviting viewers to experience something mid-way between provocation, reflection and, in some cases, riddle-solving, by displaying a group of fifty-seven paintings, sculptures, drawings, collages, engravings and illustrated books. Organized in collaboration with the Würth Collection, Künzelsau (Germany) and curated by Bernardo Laniado-Romero.
PUBLICATIONS 2003 -Collection Museo Picasso Málaga Essays by Francisco Calvo Serraller and Jean Clair; catalogue by Robert McDonald. Edition in Spanish and English
-El Picasso de los Picasso Essays by Carmen Giménez and María Teresa Ocaña. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso. Anthology: 1895–1971 Essays by Alain Bonfard, Eugenio Carmona, Marilyn McCully and Werner Spies. Edition in Spanish and English
30 obras de Picasso Essays by John Richardson Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
The Architecture of the Museo Picasso Málaga: From the Sixth Century BC to the Twenty-First Century Essays by Manuel Corrales Aguilar, Fernando Marías, Wilfried Wang, Richard Gluckman, Isabel Cámara and Rafael Martín Delgado. Photos by David Heald and Ana Muller. Edition in Spanish and English
Picasso. Toros Essays by Luis Miguel Dominguín, Dominique Dupuis-Labbé and Pedro Romero de Solís. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso: Ceramics and Tradition Essays by María Antonia Casanovas, Marilyn McCully and Michael Raeburn. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Veo, veo. ¿Qué ves? Workbook for Families Texts by the MPM Educational Department. Edition in Spanish
The Picassos from Antibes Essays by Jean-Louis Andral and Romuald Dor de la Souchère. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso. Muses and Models Essays by Estrella de Diego and Robert S. Lubar. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Memoria arqueológica del Museo Picasso Málaga: desde los orígenes hasta el siglo V d.C. Essays by Manuel Corrales Aguilar, Luis Efrén Fernández Rodríguez, José Suárez Padilla, Ana Arancibia, Mª del Mar Escalante, Mª Isabel Cisneros and José Mayorga. Edition in Spanish
The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Essays by Pierre Schneider and Jonathan Pascoe Pratt. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso: the “Reclining Woman on the Beach” series Essay by Elizabeth Cowling. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso. Small Figure. The Collection in Context Essays by Marilyn McCully and Neil Cox. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Picasso. Object and Image Essays by Salvador Haro and Harald Theil. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950 Essays by Ute Eskildsen, Christiane Kuhlmann, Ramón Esparza and Florian Ebner. Bilingual: Spanish / English edition
Beyond Painting. Max Ernst in the Würth Collection Texts by Max Ernst and Werner Spies. Edition in Spanish and English
LECTURES 24 April 2003 Francisco Calvo Serraller. The Picassos of the Museo Picasso Málaga.
22 May 2003 María Teresa Ocaña. Picasso. Education Years: La Coruña 1893 – Barcelona Málaga 1897.
5 June 2003 Agustín Sánchez Vidal. Picasso and the Cinema.
2 October 2003 Eduardo Arroyo. The Picasso I never knew.
30 October 2003 Robert Rosenblum. Picasso and the Classical Master Portrait Painters.
20 November 2003 Dore Ashton. Picasso, a Man of All Times.
18 December 2003 Valeriano Bozal. Picasso’s Eyes.
7 April 2005 Tomàs Llorens. Picasso, Bullfights 1934–1935. Series of lectures Picasso. Toros.
14 April 2005 Marie Laure Bernadac. The Bullfight in Picasso’s Writings. Christ in the Arena. Series of lectures Picasso. Toros.
21 April 2005 Dominique Dupuis-Labbé. The Bullfighting of the Musée Picasso. Series of lecturesPicasso. Toros.
2 May 2005 Pedro Romero de Solís. The Bullfight at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century. Series of lectures Picasso. Toros.
5 May 2005 Álvaro Martínez-Novillo. The Artistic Representation of Bullfight. Before and After Picasso. Series of lectures Picasso. Toros.
19 May 2005 Brigitte Léal. Bullfight Characters in Pablo Picasso’s Oeuvre: the Bullfighter, the Picador, the Aficionado. Series of lectures Picasso. Toros.
27 October 2005 Marilyn McCully and Michael Raeburn. Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition. New Discoveries. Lecture related to the exhibition Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition.
19 January 2006 Estrella de Diego. Up and Down. Picasso and the Popular Cultures. Lecture related to the exhibition Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition.
30 March 2006 Jean-Louis Andral. Picasso at the Château Grimaldi. Series of lectures Picasso and the Mediterranean.
6 April 2006 Eugenio Carmona. Mediterranean Myths and Spanish Modernity. Series of lectures Picasso and the Mediterranean.
20 April 2006 María Teresa Ocaña. Picasso: First Look at Puvis de Chavannes. Series of lecturesPicasso and the Mediterranean.
27 April 2006 Kenneth Silver. Fauns, Centaurs and Mythological Heroes: Picasso on the Côte d’Azur 1919–1939. Series of lectures Picasso and the Mediterranean.
4 May 2006 Robert Rosenblum. Picasso on the Beach. Series of lectures Picasso and the Mediterranean.
11 May 2006 Natasha Staller. Memories of Malaga: Fundamental Sources for Picasso’s Imaginary World. Series of lectures Picasso and the Mediterranean.
5 October 2006 Robert Lubar. Cubism. Desire in Vision. Lecture related to the exhibition Picasso. Muses and Models.
19 October 2006 Estrella de Diego. Transparent Mirrors. The Painter and the Models, and even. Lecture related to the exhibition Picasso. Muses and Models.
29 March 2007 Sabine Rewald. Pierre Matisse: Champion of Modern European Art in New York. Lecture related to the exhibition The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
19 April 2007 Jonathan Pratt. Pierre Matisse: a French Dealer in the American Market Place. Lecture related to the exhibition The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
3 May 2007 Michael Fitzgerald. Picasso’s Presence in New York Art Scene in the First Half of the Century. Lecture related to the exhibition The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
10 May 2007 Pepe Karmel. Between Art and Life: Picasso, Rauschenberg and Johns in 1960’s New York. Lecture related to the exhibition The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
31 May 2007 Marilyn McCully. Picasso: Children’s Art/Art for Children. Series of lectures Picasso and Africa. Convergences.
7 June 2007 Robert Lubar. Picasso: L’Art Nègre? Connais pas. Series of lectures Picasso and Africa. Convergences.
14 June 2007 Aimée Conlin-Bessire. Empowering Objects: African Power Objects and Picasso. Series of lectures Picasso and Africa. Convergences.
21 June 2007 Hélène Klein. African and Oceanic Art in Picasso’s Private Collection. Series of lecturesPicasso and Africa. Convergences.
8 November 2007 Tomàs Llorens. Picasso, González and the Birth of Iron Sculpture in the Twentieth Century.
22 November 2007 Dominique Dupuis-Labbé. Picasso/Duchamp and their Relationship with the Object.
29 November 2007 Félix Fanés. Picasso, Miró, Dalí. Mass Culture.
6 March 2008 Ute Eskildsen. The Face became the Portrait. Strategies in 20th Century Photography.Lecture related to the exhibition On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950.
13 March 2008 David Elliot. Alexander Rodtchenko: The Romantic Revolutionary of the Absurd. Lecture related to the exhibition On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950.
27 March 2008 Mark Haworth-Booth. Photographing the Human Being in the 20th Century: The Case of Lee Miller. Lecture related to the exhibition On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950.
17 April 2008 Belinda Rathbone. Stare, Pry, Listen, Eavesdrop: The Candid Camera of Walker Evans. Lecture related to the exhibition On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950.
24 April 2008 Juan Naranjo. Simultaneities. Nicolás de Lekuona and the Photo-montage in the Inter-war Period. Lecture related to the exhibition On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950.
14 October 2008 Agustín Sánchez Vidal. Buñuel, Dalí and the Andalusian Beasts. Screening of the film Un perro andaluz, by Luis Buñuel.
23 October 2008 Jürgen Pech. Sculptures – Constructions of Inspiration. Lecture related to the exhibitionBeyond Painting. Max Ernst in the Würth Collection.
OTHER ACTIVITIES AT THE MPM AUDITORIUM 28 February 2005 The Auditorium opened on Andalusia Day, with the play Azaña, una pasión española(Azaña, a Spanish Passion), performed by José Luis Gómez of the Teatro de la Abadía.
12 June 2006 Luis Revenga presented his documentary Picasso, made in 1981.
28 September 2006 Twenty-five years after the famous painting first arrived in Spain, the MPM Auditorium screened the documentary El Guernica en el Museo del Prado, (Guernica in the Prado Museum), directed in 1981 by Luis Revenga.
3 November 2006 Androula Michaël introduced her book Picasso. Poèmes.
15, 16 and 17 November 2006 A new vision on Malaga’s historical origins was the theme of the first symposium,Malaga in the Antiquity. Organized jointly with the Universidad de Málaga and the Delegación de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía.
23, 24 and 25 November 2006 The thread linking the concerts that the mezzo-soprano Elena Gragera and the pianist Antón Cardó performed at the MPM Auditorium was the music that accompanied Pablo Picasso over the course of his life. Albéniz, Granados, Poulenc, Debussy, Satie, Falla and Stravinsky were amongst the composers included in a broad repertoire that also featured texts by Bécquer, Max Jacob, Apollinaire, Verlaine, Cocteau, Bretón and Lorca, among others.
14, 15 and 16 December 2006 The clear voices of the children of the Escolanía de Montserrat, one of the oldest music schools in Europe, rang out in Málaga for the first time. The 40 children performed pieces that included Ego sum panis vivus, by Casanovas; Laudamos te, by Vivaldi; Laudate Pueri, by Haydn; Gësange, by Brahms; and A Ceremony of Carols, by Britten.
23 and 24 February 2007 Jordi Savall selected pieces by such composers as J. S. Bach, M. de Sainte-Colombe and T. Hume for his concert The Seventh String performed at the MPM Auditorium with his seven-string viola da gamba built in London in 1697.
24 May 2007 Professor Elizabeth Cowling, of the University of Edinburgh, examined the characteristics and the influence of six enigmatic works that make up the series “Reclining Woman on the Beach”, painted by Picasso in 1932. The Museum published a monograph on this series by Cowling, which was presented during the lecture.
20 and 21 July 2007 Opus, Vivre avec, Quatre figures dans une pièce, Soli-ter, Bubble and El olor de la ausencia are the titles of the six works that together comprise Fragments of Dance. The performance was specially created for the MPM Auditorium and played by a selection of dancers from the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris. José Martínez and Paul Nicolas, respectively étoile and sujet of the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, designed the choreography. Imagination and beauty merged for a unique performance.
27 September 2007 Alberto Porland introduced his documentary The Spanish Boxes. During the Spanish Civil War the Republican government, through the Committee for the Defense of Art Treasures, decided to preserve the Museo del Prado’s precious artistic heritage, packing the gallery’s most valuable art treasures in a total of 1,868 boxes. The wanderings of those works until their return to the Museum in 1939 are the principal subject of the documentary, made in 2004.
4 October, 14 and 15 November 2007 The MPM screened the documentary El Rapto de Europa (The Rape of Europe), which tells the story of the pillage, destruction and recovery of European art treasures during the Third Reich and the Second World War.
30 November and 1 December 2007 Estrella Morente in concert. Heir to a legendary flamenco ancestry, Morente’s appearance was a unique opportunity for music aficionados to admire her artistry.
22 and 23 February 2008 Winter Tales. Russian Star Ballets Top dancers from the leading Russian companies, the Bolshoi and the Stanislavsky showed off their virtuosity in a spectacle filled with music, movement and fantasy.
23 and 24 May 2008 Concert Homage to Olga Kokhlova The ballerina Olga Kokhlova, Pablo Picasso’s first wife, was the inspiration behind this concert featuring the mezzo-soprano Elena Gragera, accompanied by the pianist Antón Cardó.
20 and 21 June 2008 Janine Jansen Considered a leading performer, the young violinist Janine Jansen played, with her 1727 Stradivarius Barrere, works by Bach, Mozart, Tabakona and Martinu, accompanied by the violist Maxim Rysanov.
3 and 4 October 2008 Jordi Savall Unanimously acclaimed as one of today’s foremost interpreters of early music, Jordi Savall is among the most multifariously gifted musicians of his generation; violist, musical director, and the creator of an unmistakable style, he is a concert performer, teacher and researcher, making him one of the chief architects of the currently ongoing revaluation of historical music.
14 October 2008 Un Chien Andalou Screening of this Surrealist masterpiece, made by Luis Buñuel in 1929. The film is a poem in images. It tells us of desires, repression, rebellion and obsession, using a visual language that is closer to dreams than to the imposed order of rational thought.
16 October 2008 L’Âge d’Or Screening of the film, made by Luis Buñuel in 1930. The film is considered one of the great Surrealist masterpieces, because of both its aesthetic value and its poetic and transgressive content, about love, sexual desire, violence, decadence and criticism of the bourgeois hierarchy.
MPM LIBRARY AND ARCHIVE: DONATIONS AND ACQUISITIONS In June 2003, Victoria Villarejo, the widow of Juan Temboury, donated to the MPM the Temboury Collection. The collection contains 156 documents, and features the correspondence between Juan Temboury and Jaime Sabartés, Picasso’s secretary, postcards signed by Picasso and Jacqueline, and photographs. In July 2005, the collection was increased by another 40 donated documents.
In October 2004, the MPM Library opened, with initial holdings of 2,230 documents, amongst them the Bernardo Sofovich Collection. Since then, the library has acquired another 2,740 documents, and currently holds a total of 4,970 documents.
In October 2005, the Buzarra family donated to the MPM Archive three photographs related to Picasso, dated 1957, and a digital copy of another photograph, the original of which is still in the family’s possession.
In December 2005, Museo Picasso Málaga bought the Roberto Otero photograph collection from the photographer’s heirs. It contains over 1,500 images which provide an exceptional glimpse at the everyday life of Pablo Picasso and his creative process during the 1960s. The inventory includes 470 negatives, 95 strips of negatives, 1,269 slides, 158 internegatives and interpositives and 1,536 prints (1,280 in b/w and 256 in colour).
On 4 October 2006, MPM bought a 1954 photograph by Lee Miller, showing Picasso and Anthony Penrose.
In December 2006, the Duke of Granada de Ega donated to the MPM Archive nine new photographs of the Palacio de los Condes de Buenavista, taken in the 1950s.
On 10 February 2007, photographer David Douglas Duncan donated a photograph he took of Pablo Picasso on the artist’s seventieth birthday (25-10-1970).
On 23 August 2007, MPM purchased the original illustrated book Gavilla de fábulas sin amor (A Sheaf of Loveless Fables), which contains an original drypoint print by Picasso. The edition is numbered and hand-dated by Camilo José Cela, Pablo Picasso and the printer, Jaume Pla.
On 28 September 2007, MPM acquired three photographs by Lee Miller taken in the 1950s and ’60s, showing Christine Pauplin (Christine Ruiz-Picasso).
On 11 October 2007, the Norwegian sculptor Carl Nesjar, who was a collaborator of Picasso’s, donated a photograph showing Pablo Picasso next to one of his sculptures.
On 9 September 2008, MPM acquired a photograph taken by Denise Colomb in 1952, showing Pablo Picasso next to his oil painting The Kitchen (1948).
MPM INITIATIVES On 30 October 2005 the programme Ya lo conoces, ahora disfrútalo (You Know it, Now Enjoy it), was set up with the aim of making MPM a regular visiting place, especially for the people of Malaga. It offers free entry in the afternoon of the last Sunday of every month. From 3.00pm to 8.00pm (the Ticket Desk closes half an hour before closing time), those who wish to may visit the Museo Picasso Malaga free of charge and view the works in the Collection as well as the temporary exhibitions.
May 2006–2008 > For three years now, La Noche de los Museos (The Night of Museums), a project in which over 2,000 museums throughout Europe take part, has been held at the same time as International Museum Day.
On 21 October 2006, MPM set up a very special project: Noches con Picasso (Nights with Picasso). Live music, guided tours of the collection, visits to the temporary exhibition and tours of the architecture of the Palacio de Buenavista, are just some of the options included in the Museum programme for these evenings, offering the public a different way to enjoy Saturday nights during the fine-weather months. From 8.00pm to midnight, for a reduced fee of 2 euros, the first Night with Picasso was very well received, and was repeated on 14 April, 30 June, 28 July, 15 September and 27 October 2007, and on 5 April, 7 June, 12 July and 20 September 2008.
In the Fall of 2006, MPM held the Picasso: en clave de autor (Picasso, with creative artists) cycle, a series of guided tours given by leading Malagan cultural figures. Aurora Luque, Enrique Brinkmann and Alfredo Taján selected works from the MPM Collection and provided their own personal visions.
On 23 January 2007, an agreement between MPM and Unicaja savings bank enabled associations for the disabled to visit the Museum free of charge. Around 1,000 people from various groups from Malaga and the rest of Andalusia are able to benefit from this agreement.
As of 15 March 2007, all Euro<26 Youth Card holders can visit the Museo Picasso Málaga free of charge. The aim is to provide easier access to Pablo Picasso’s work for young Andalusians, in particular, and young Europeans, in general, and is the result of a co-operation agreement undertaken with the Andalusian Regional Government’s Council for Equality and Social Welfare.
As of 8 June 2007, entrance to MPM is free for under-18s. This is one step further towards the museum’s ambition to transmit the value of art, in general, and Picasso’s work, in particular, to children and youngsters.
THE MPM EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Between November 2003 and September 2008, the Education Department has set up 6,246 activities, in which 118,229 people have taken part:
a) For schoolchildren and teachers: Classroom visits to the Museum: 3,046 visits have taken place From November 2003 to August 2008, 60,394 schoolchildren have taken part in these visits.
Workshop visits: 473 activities 2004–2005: Families: 1,174 Primary-level schoolchildren 2005–2006: Imaginary Characters: 2,882 Infant and Primary-level schoolchildren 2007–2008: Invent a Costume: 6,595 Infant and Primary-level schoolchildren
Total: 10,651 schoolchildren
b) Courses for teachers: 5 courses Tell me What you See. An Interactive Visit to MPM For Primary and Secondary teachers (20 school hours) Spring 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008: 114 participants
c) For children: 19 Holiday Workshop visits, with the participation of 393 children aged between 4 and 11 years Summer 2005: Summer Album Summer 2006: Let’s make a Beach in the Museum Holidays 2007: Emotions with colours Summer 2007: Once upon a time there was a circus… Holidays 2008: How do you see yourself? How do you paint yourself? Summer 2008: The Show Begins
Family activities: Tell me What you See Today, Let’s Play Looking. Saturdays during the holidays 178 activities with 3,175 participants (children and their grown-up friends)
d) For adults Universities: From November 2003 to August 2008, 136 activities have taken place with different universities, including training courses, classes in the Museum, and guided tours for students of various subjects. 1,799 university students and teachers have taken part.
Getting to know the Collection: 793 visits with 13,704 participants
Gallery Talks: 123 visits with 1,824 participants
Visits for adults from Malaga province: 731 visits to the Collection, in which 13,760 visitors have taken part (from Adult Associations and Centres)
Visits for adults from Inturjoven Andalucía In 2006 and 2008, 209 activities were held, for 4,230 pensioners from the Inturjoven organization
Other guided tours: 307 groups, with a total of 4,303 participants, visited the Museum with the help of our educational staff
Courses for tour guides: 13 courses for tour guides, with 684 participants
e) For people with disabilities: 210 activities, in which 3,158 people with impaired sight, hearing, or other disabilities, took part
2 Workshops for visually impaired children with 34 participants 2007: Listen, See and Touch 2008: Colorín Colorado (Storytelling)
Dates: from 27 October 2003 to 27 February 2004 Le Mystère Picasso, by Henri-Georges Clouzot Paris, 1956 Photography: Claude Rendir Music: Georges Auric
Dates: from April to October 2004 Exposition de céramiques au Nélorium à Vallauris France, 1951 16 mm, silent, black and white, 15’ Production: Robert Picault
Les céramiques et les sculptures de Picasso France, 1951 16 mm, silent, colour, 8’ Production: Robert Picault
Dates: from 27 October 2004 to 28 February 2005 Visite à Picasso Belgium, 1950 35 mm, sound, black and white, 20’ French version Production: Paul Haesaerts
Dates: from 1 April to 3 July 2005 La corrida de Picasso France, 1951 16 mm, silent, colour, 20’ Production: Robert Picault
Dates: from 24 October 2005 to 5 February 2006 Incontrare Picasso Italy, 1953 16 mm, sound, colour, 43’ Language: Italian Director: Luciano Emmer
Dates: from 13 March to 11 June 2006 Picasso, Joie de vivre France, 1948 16 mm, sound, colour, 14’ Language: English Director: Jacques Berthier
Dates: from 2 October 2006 to 25 March 2007 Picasso, un portrait France, 1969–1975 16 mm, sound, colour, 60’ Language: English with Spanish subtitles Director: Edward Quinn
Dates: from 26 March to 9 September 2007 Portrait de Pierre Germany, 1994 16 mm, sound, colour, 58’ Language: French with Spanish subtitles Director: Gero von Boehm
Dates: from 22 October 2007 to 17 February 2008 Picasso, the Sculptor United Kingdom, 1968 16 mm, sound, colour, 27’ Language: English with Spanish subtitles Director: Roland Penrose
Dates: from 18 February to 25 May 2008 L’Etoile de Mer (1928, silent, black and white, 21’) Les Mystères du Château de Dè (1929, silent, black and white, 27’) Poison (1935, silent, black and white, 4’) La Garoupe (1937, silent, colour, 9’) France Director: Man Ray
Dates: from 22 May to 21 September 2008 Picasso is 90 (1971, sound, colour, 51’) Language: English with Spanish subtitles USA Production: William McClure
Dates: from 22 September 2008 to 1 March 2009 Max Ernst. My Wanderings. My Unrest (1991, 16 mm, sound, colour, 100’) Language: English with Spanish subtitles Director: Peter Schamoni
SPONSORS Patrons Council Unicaja (from 4 September 2003) RTVA (from 27 October 2004)
Patron Member Vocento (from 18 February 2004) Grupo Joly (from 27 October 2004) Novasoft (from 17 December 2007) Fundación AENA (from 27 October 2004) Cervezas San Miguel (from 18 November 2003) Diputación Provincial de Málaga (from 3 March 2004)
AWARDS Premio Mediterráneo de Cultura de M CAPITAL Malaga, 2003
III Edición Premios Financiera y Minera de Arquitectura y Construcción de Málaga Categoría Premio Especial del Jurado: Desarrollo Integral de Málaga Malaga, 27 May 2004
Premio Diario Sur Apartado de Cultura Malaga, 2004
Premio Asociación Española para la Gerencia de los Centros Urbanos a la Iniciativa Cultural y Artística Terrasa (Barcelona), 19 November 2004
Premio Asociación Española de Profesionales del Diseño Poster of the exhibition Picasso. Toros Designed by GAG Comunicación Nominated for prizes AEPD 2005
Premio a la Iniciativa Pública concedido por la revista Andalucía Económica Seville, February 2005
Medalla de Honor 2004 Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando Madrid, 2005
British Guild of Travel Writer Tourism Awards Best Overseas Tourism Project 2005 Highly Commended (shortlisted) London, 13 November 2005
Institute Honor Awards for Architecture American Institute of Architects (AIA) Los Angeles (USA), 2006
Premio Asociación Española de Profesionales del Diseño Designs for Auditorio MPM activities Designed by GAG Comunicación Nominated for prizes AEPD 2006
Reconocimiento al Mérito Educativo en el Ámbito Provincial Diputación Provincial de Málaga Malaga, May 2008
VISITS Annually 2003 > 81,637 2004 > 386,703 2005 > 304,658 2006 > 342,824 2007 > 340,688
Exhibitions El Picasso de los Picassos > 151,023 Ceramics > 80, 595 Picasso. Anthology (1895–1971) > 70,850 Picasso. Toros > 63,273 Picasso. Ceramics and Tradition > 62,919 The Picassos from Antibes > 83,485 Picasso as Seen by Otero > 50,362 Picasso. Muses and Models > 102,036 The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York > 120,896 Picasso. Small Figure. The Collection in Context > 71,896 Picasso. Object and Image > 59,477 On the Human Being. International Photography 1900–1950 > 52,396 Moments and Gazes. Picasso as Seen by Otero > 62,184
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