Matisse, Balthus, Chagall, Dubuffet, Giacometti, Magritte and Miró are some of the icons of twentieth-century art whose works are featured in The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, an exhibition that will be on view at the Museo Picasso Málaga from 26 March to 24 June, 2007
The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
26 March-9 September 2007
Matisse, Balthus, Chagall, Dubuffet, Giacometti, Magritte and Miró are some of the icons of twentieth-century art whose works are featured in The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, an exhibition that will be on view at the Museo Picasso Málaga from 26 March to 24 June, 2007. The paintings, sculptures and drawings that make up this extraordinary group of works have been selected from the collection of the art dealer Pierre Matisse and his wife, Maria-Gaetana von Spreti, part of which was donated to theNew York museum in 2002.
For more than sixty years, beginning in 1931, the gallery established by Pierre Matisse (1900-1989) in the Fuller Building, Manhattan, pioneered the advancement of the European avant-garde in the United States, and helped to build the careers in America of such legendary artists as Balthus, Miró, Giacometti and Dubuffet. The exhibitions held at the gallery helped define the American public’s appreciation for contemporary art.
Pierre Matisse was a personal friend of many of these artists and also acquired their works. In addition, he collected pieces by such recognized artists as Chagall and, the dealer’s own father, Henri Matisse. At his death, the Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Foundation was created donating part of the art collection to the Metropolitan. In 2007, the European public will have the opportunity to view a careful selection of these works at the Museo Picasso Málaga.
Picasso. Small Figure. The Collection in Context
4 June -16 September 2007
The bronze sculpture Small Figure opens a series of exhibitions under the title The Collection in Context, which is aimed to situate selected pieces of the Museum’s holdings in their historic and artistic context. Picasso. Small Figure is curated by renowned Picasso scholar Marilyn McCully. It examines Pablo Picasso’s artistic activity at the time this piece was carved, in 1907. The exhibition uses a reduced and selected group of works from public and private collections to explore the influence of non-Western cultures on this piece. In addition to other Picasso’s works where these influences can be perceived, Picasso.Small Figure will show works by Gauguin, as well as relevant African sculptures.
Picasso. Object and Image
22 October 2007 – 27 January 2008
Curated by Picasso experts Salvador Haro and Harald Theil, Picasso. Object and Image will assemble ninety pieces including paintings, sculpture, drawings and ceramics. The characteristics of each of these languages will be analysed and set against the sum of Picasso’s works with regard both to form and to the subject matter chosen by the artist.
The juxtaposition of works will allow the visitor to observe and discover the connexion between the different means of expression used by the artist, thus avoiding the tradition of presenting each technique separately.
The Seventh String
Concert by Jordi Savall
23 and 24 February 2007, 8.30 pm
Unanimously recognised as one of the most important classical music performers, Jordi Savall has chosen for this concert pieces by composers such as Bach, De Sainte-Colombe and Hume, which he will play on a seven-stringed viola da gamba made in London in 1697.
Savall is one of the most polyvalent musical personalities of his generation. Director as well as creator of an unmistakable style, his concerts, his pedagogic and research activities place him among the first instigators of an ongoing process dedicated to restoring forgotten classical music to its rightful value.
Advance ticket sales: 902 36 02 95 and www.unicaja.es
Auditorium ticket office: opens one hour before the concert.
Pierre Matisse: Champion of European Avant-garde Art in New York
Lecture by Sabine Rewald
29 March 2007
Sabine Rewald, curator of the Department of Twentieth-century Art at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, will focus on the relationship between Pierre Matisse and the artists he represented throughout his gallery’s sixty years of activity.
In collaboration with the Universidad de Málaga.
Pierre Matisse: a French Art Dealer in the American Market
Lecture by Jonathan Pratt
19 April 2007
Art historian Jonathan Pratt, contributor to the The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, exhibition catalogue will talk on the strategic role played by Pierre Matisse in the dissemination of European art in North America.
As a result of his efforts, most important public and private art collections in America have pieces which were purchased in his gallery. Jonathan Pratt was Senior Director of Sotheby’sEurope and has written a number of essays on Ambroise Vollard’s art dealing activities among other subjects.
In collaboration with the Universidad de Málaga.
Picasso’s Presence in New York’s Art Scene in the First Half of the Century
Lecture by Michael FitzGerald
3 May 2007
Curator of the Picasso and American Art exhibition, which opened last September in the Whitney Museum of New York, and author of the catalogue published for that occasion, Professor Michael FitzGerald will talk about the influence of Picasso on the works of leading contemporary artists in the United States.
He will place particular emphasis on Picasso’s initial introduction to New York in the 1910s and the important role of Mexican-born artist Marius de Zayas in this process. FitzGerald currently teaches at Trinity College in Hartford (Connecticut, United States).
In collaboration with the Universidad de Málaga.
Between Art and Life: Picasso, Rauschenberg, and Johns in 1960s New York
Lecture by Pepe Karmel
10 May 2007
Professor of the Fine Arts Department in New York University, Pepe Karmel will examine in depth specific aspects of Picasso’s influence on American Twentieth-Century art.
Karmel will focus on Picasso, Rauschenberg and Johns in the Ganz collection, and on the critical responses to these artists of Leo Steinberg and Robert Rosenblum, leaders in the critical revolution against the hegemony of Clement Greenberg.
In collaboration with the Universidad de Málaga.
The Night of Museums
Saturday 19 May 2007
From 8pm till midnight, the MPM celebrates The Night of Museums. The aim of this event is to propose a different way of visiting museums. Through different activities such as live music and numerous guided tours, the MPM joins an initiative in which close to seventeen hundred museums from all over Europe took part in 2006, including the Musée del Louvre, the Centre National d’Art et de Culture Georges Pompidou and the Musée d’Orsay, in Paris; the Galleria Nazionale de Arte Moderna of Rome and the Museo del Prado of Madrid.
Picasso and Reclining Woman on the Beach
Lecture by Elizabeth Cowling
24 May 2007
Elizabeth Cowling, of the University of Edinburgh, will examine the characteristics and the influence of six enigmatic works that make up the series Reclining Woman on the Beach, painted by Picasso in 1932. Three of the paintings are currently on view in the MPM’s Gallery 5. The Museum will publish a monograph on this series by Cowling, which will be presented during the lecture.
With the collaboration of the Universidad de Málaga.
Picasso and Africa. Convergences
Lecture series
May-June 2007
As complement to the exhibition The Collection in its Context. Small Figure, scholars dedicated to Picasso and, in particular, to the influences it received from African culture, will discuss their latest research and conclusions on the matter. The speakers included in this cycle are Marilyn McCully, curator of the exhibition; Robert Lubar, University of New York; Aimée Bessire, Maine College of Arts (United States); and Hélène Klein, former chief curator of the Musée Picasso, Paris.
In collaboration with the Universidad de Málaga.
Dance Pieces
With the participation of dancers from the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris
20-21 July 2007
José Martínez and Paul Nicolas, respectively étoile and sujet of the Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris, have designed expressly for the MPM Auditorium the choreographies that will be performed by a group of ballet dancers from the prestigious Parisian company. Imagination and beauty merge for a unique performance.
Nights with Picasso
After the great success of this initiative in 2006, the MPM will celebrate a number of Nights with Picasso throughout the year. Live music, guided tours of the Collection and of the architectural setting will allow the visitor to discover and enjoy the Museum in a different manner. From 8 pm until midnight, for a reduced price of 2 euros.
Programmed Nights:
Saturday 14 April
Saturday 30 June
Saturday 28 July
The Spanish Boxes
Screening of the documentary
27 September 2007
During the Spanish Civil War the Republican government, through the Committee for the Defense of Art Treasures, decides to preserve the Museo del Prado’s precious artistic heritage, packing the gallery’s most valuable art treasures in a total of 1,868 boxes. The wanderings of those works until their return to the Museum in 1939 are the principal subject of The Spanish Boxes.
The Pierre and Maria-Gaetana Matisse Collection at
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Exhibition Catalogue
Texts by art historians Pierre Schneider and Jonathan Pratt.
Published in Spanish and English.
The Collection in its Context. Small Figure. Exhibition Catalogue
Texts by exhibition curator Marilyn McCully, and Neil Cox, Head of the Department of Art History and Theory at the University of Essex (United Kingdom).
Published in Spanish and English.
Picasso. Object and Image. Exhibition Catalogue
Texts written by the exhibition curators, Salvador Haro, Fine Arts Professor at the Universidad de Málaga, and art historian Harald Theil.
Published in Spanish and English.
Highlights from the Museo Picasso Málaga
Art historian and educator Amelia Arenas reflects on a total of 29 works of the MPM Collection.
Several languages.
Picasso and Reclining Woman on the Beach
This publication focuses on the canvases titled Reclining Woman on the Beach which were painted by Picasso in 1932. Elizabeth Cowling, Senior Lecturer at the University of Edimburgh, will present her in-depth analysis of these works, three of which are on view in the Gallery 5 of the MPM.
Published in Spanish and English.
Picasso and the Mediterranean
A compilation of the different lectures celebrated in spring 2006 under the title Picasso and the Mediterranean.
The cycle was organised as a complement to the exhibition The Picassos from Antibes, with the participation of experts of the stature of Robert Rosenblum, Kenneth Silver, Eugenio Carmona, Natasha Staller, Jean-Louis Andral and María Teresa Ocaña.
Published in Spanish and English.
Activities for schools
§ Imaginary characters. MPM Workshop
Strolling through the Museum, the children discover how Picasso invented strange animals with human form and humans that look like animals. After viewing and discussing a number of works, the Department of Education invites children to imagine, draw and cut out their own imaginary figure.
§ From the classroom to the Museum. Guided tours
The MPM takes students on an interactive trip through the Collection as the starting point of a discovery and exploration process. This activity is targeted for school students 8-18. There are different tours for different age groups.
§ Course for teachers
April 2007
Once again this year, the Museum invites primary school teachers to get to know the Visual Thinking Strategies, so that they can later use them with their own students.
In collaboration with the Centro de Profesorado de Málaga.
Activities for private visitors
Activities for children
§ Colourful Emotions. Holiday workshops
1-2 March / 3-4 April 2007
Taking as starting point a selection of works from the MPM Collection, we invite children to make the best of their holidays by exploring the way in which Picasso uses colour to express emotions in the different characters he created. During the workshop, children will be able to look, draw and exchange ideas on what they do and how, thus stimulating their imagination, their observation ability and their creative skills. Both manual and intellectual skills are encouraged.
§ Summer workshops for children
July 2007
Building on the idea of workshop-visits, with the possibility of working several days in a row, the MPM invites children to make the best of their summer holidays by taking part in this introduction to the ever surprising work of Picasso.
§ Tell Me What You See. Family visits
Saturdays at noon
A dialogue between children and adults on the works of the MPM Collection.
§ I Spy with my Little Eye… Notebooks for families
Available daily from the MPM ticket office
A fun, instructive and original way to visit the MPM. The notebooks in Spanish contain questions and activities to be carried out together as a family.
Sponsored by the Diputación de Málaga.
Activities for adults
§ Getting to Know the Collection
Tuesdays and Saturdays at 6pm and 7 pm.
A tour of selected pieces of the MPM collection guided by an MPM educator.
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