Fundación Museo Picasso Málaga. Legado Paul, Christine y Bernard-Ruiz Picasso has held its first Board of Trustees meeting of 2019, with an agenda that included, amongst other points, the presentation and approval of the annual accounts for the year 2018.
In addition, a report was presented to the members of the Board of Trustees on the activities currently taking place at the museum and on other projects in preparation, including the two remaining exhibitions on the 2019 programme, Bruce Nauman. Rooms, Bodies, Words, which will open to the public on June 18th, and the exhibition Calder-Picasso, which opens this autumn.
The plenary session of the main governing body of the institution, which was held today at noon, was chaired by Fernando Francés, Secretary General of Cultural Innovation and Museums at the Ministry of Culture and Historical Heritage of the Junta de Andalucía, because the Counsellor for Culture and Heritage, Patricia del Pozo, was unable to travel to Málaga for scheduling reasons. Among the patrons attending the meeting was Bernard Ruiz-Picasso, President of the Executive Board. The Board of Trustees of Museo Picasso Málaga meets twice a year to implement MPM’s main lines of action and keep track of its activities, fulfilling its purpose of ensuring that Pablo Picasso’s work is preserved, displayed, studied and disseminated. The Foundation sees MPM as a hub for cultural and social projection and promotion, where citizens come not only to enjoy heritage, but also as participants in educational activities and beneficiaries of cultural services.
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