The Future of our Collections is an international gathering in which we will be analysing the conservation of tangible cultural heritage, over one intense day in which expert guest speakers will include Arturo Colorado Castellary, professor and teacher at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; Helen Frowe, director of the Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace, Stockholm University, Stockholm, and lawyer Marta Suárez-Mansilla, who specialises in art law.
If there is anything that universally affects tangible cultural heritage – architecture, archaeology, painting and sculpture, of any period – it is the many risks to which it is exposed. In the 22 years of this century so far, we have seen historic flooding in cities such as Paris and Venice that has caused damage in several museums: earthquakes that have demolished castles, such as that of Lorca, and in extremis contingency plans to evacuate Ukrainian museums’ most important collections during the Russian invasion. Meanwhile, antiques trafficking has increased following the repeated looting of archaeological sites in Iraq, and there have been problems with museum air conditioning systems due to more frequent heatwaves, as in Florence in 2017.
The Future of our Collections seminar employs a multi-disciplinary approach with which experts will analyse the issues and problems in the field of conservation. They will look back to the past with paradigmatic case studies, and towards the future, with the application of new technologies and commitment to tackling climate change.
The seminar is free to attend online or in person and will take place on 16th December in the MPM Auditorium. Registration for both formats is now open at the Museo Picasso Málaga ticket office and website.