The Museo Picasso Málaga presents its new social participation programme in collaboration with Fundación ‘la Caixa’. To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, commemorated on December 3, the MPM is intensifying its Social Participation Programme by offering a wide-ranging programme of activities aimed at people in situations of social vulnerability and professionals in the fields of culture, education, art, and social work.
Performances, workshop visits, an educational concert, and the 12th Seminar on Art and Social Participation are the activities scheduled from the end of November to mid-December 2022 for associations in the city and province of Málaga.
To mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3, the Museo Picasso Málaga is stepping up its Social Participation Programme by offering a wide-ranging programme of activities aimed at people in situations of social vulnerability and professionals in the fields of culture, education, art, and social work.
Performances, workshop visits, an educational concert, and the 12th Seminar on Art and Social Participation are the activities that have been organised with the collaboration of Fundación ‘la Caixa’ and will take place from the end of November to mid-December 2022 for associations in the city and province of Málaga.
The programme kicked off in November with the performance workshops ‘Looking without seeing’ for blind and visually impaired people, taught by Jana Pacheco in collaboration with the team at the Educational and Cultural Activities Department. The participants enjoyed an immersive experience involving an introduction to the works by Picasso exhibited in the MPM collection, with the aim of creating an emotional and sensory link with the artist’s paintings.
This 2022 social participation programme will also include workshop visits for associations, NGOs, and welfare centers such as the Comisión Española de Ayuda al Refugiado (CEAR), ACCEM, Fundación Diagrama, Adoratrices Málaga, Málaga Acoge, Fundación Don Bosco, Asociación Pro Inserción Laboral de Personas con Discapacidad, Cruz Roja, Málaga Acoge, Arrabal empleo, and Comunidad Terapéutica de Salud Mental del Hospital Civil, among others.
Specifically to celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a workshop for crafting musical instruments will be held this Friday, December 2, at 11 a.m. La reciclorquesta (The Recyclorchestra), where participants address the challenge of building their own musical instruments from recycled objects such as boxes, sticks, buckets, tubes, etc. They will also learn a few musical notions by experimenting with their instruments. Aimed at people in situations of social vulnerability, the workshop will be taught by Vibra-tó!, who at 12.30 p.m. will perform the educational concert ‘Todo vibra, todo suena’ (Everything vibrates, everything sounds) in the MPM Auditorium. During the show, to which various associations have been invited, two multi-instrumentalist musicians and educators will perform their own compositions and music from universal folklore on unusual, unconventional instruments made from waste materials.
On Wednesday, December 14, Javier Polavieja, Banco Santander Professor of Sociology and Director of the Laboratory on Inequality and Discrimination at the Carlos III University in Madrid, will examine the factors that influence the inequality of opportunities for socio-economic achievement in a talk on Social Development Goal 10: Reducing inequalities. The mechanisms of social inequality. This talk will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in the transmission of social (dis)advantage in contemporary societies, providing specific examples for the case of Spain.
Lastly, for the twelfth year running, the Museo Picasso Málaga and Fundación ‘la Caixa’ are organising a seminar aimed at professionals in the educational, cultural, and social spheres. The Museum aims to address education as a cross-cutting issue and a key aspect of current affairs such as sustainability and social transformation. On the afternoon of Thursday, December 15, the Museo Picasso Málaga will be hosting the 12th Seminar on Art and Social Participation Education for Sustainable Development, for which registration is free, though advance booking is required.
Participants in this seminar will include César Bona, a teacher nominated for the Global Teacher Prize in 2015. Committed to child protection and the author of numerous books, this expert will address education from the point of view of leadership and motivation. María José Gil-Delgado, Director of Certificado ODS, a teacher and educational psychologist, will reflect on issues such as sustainability and the 2030 Agenda in education. Finally, educational innovation as a key tool for education in the 21st century will be addressed with the participation of Juan Núñez, a lecturer on educational innovation at the University of Comillas and managing partner at OTBInnova.
The seminar, for which registration is free, will take place next Thursday, December 15, from 4 p.m. to 8.30 p.m.; enrolment is at educacion@mpicassom.org. More information is available at www.museopicassomálaga.org.