Museo Picasso Málaga is once again organizing a Summer Cinema cycle with four evenings for visitors to explore Andy Warhol’s world at the ‘Warhol. Mechanical Art exhibition’, followed by screenings of films featuring some of Pop art’s most famous stars. The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Barbarella, The Party and Yellow Submarine will be screened on each of the four evenings, which are scheduled from June to September.
Once again, Museo Picasso Málaga will be opening the gallery to the seventh art on Málaga’s warm summer nights. This year, there will be four dates on which to get to know the world of the Pop artist par excellence, with guided tours of the exhibition Warhol. Mechanical Art, after which participants can turn to the big screen to enjoy some of the best-known Pop-era films.
The programme starts off on Friday 29th June with a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, the 1975 cult rock musical directed by Jim Sharman. Based on the stage musical by Richard O’Brien, the film tells the tale of a newly-engaged couple who have to spend the night at a mansion belonging to Dr. Frank-N-Furter. He is hosting a convention of Transylvanians, to celebrate the completion of his creature, Rocky Horror. Otherwise a perfect man, half of Rocky’s brain once belonged to a juvenile delinquent.
The second date is Friday 27th July, with Barbarella, a Franco-Italian film directed in 1968 by Roger Vadim and starring Jane Fonda. Based on the comic book of the same name by Jean-Claude Forest and Claude Brulé, this erotic fantasy set in the year 40.000 is all about the journey undertaken by the heroine. Charged by President Dianthus of Planet Earth with the mission of finding mad inventor Dr. Durand Durand, who lives on planet Lithion, Barbarella crashes upon landing and various adventures and amorous encounters ensue.
On Friday 24th August, it’s time for some smart humour with The Party, directed by Blake Edwards in 1968. This great comedy relates the adventures of Hrundi V. Bakshi, a clumsy Indian actor shooting a Hollywood movie in the desert. He accidentally manages to destroy the entire set and is fired. The plot thickens when he is invited by mistake to a party organized by the movie’s producer, leading to a series of crazy situations.
The last screening of the summer will be Yellow submarine, filling the museum gardens with music on the night of Friday 15th September. This animated film, directed in 1968 by George Dunning, was inspired by the Beatles song. Pepperland is a happy, music-loving paradise under the sea, protected by Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. It undergoes a surprise attack from the Blue Meanies, who hate music. The mayor of the city sends Young Fred off in a yellow submarine to look for help. Fred arrives in Liverpool, where he collects Ringo, John, George and Paul, who travel back with him to an unreal, psychedelic world.
These special evenings start at 9.00 pm with a guided tour of the exhibition, followed by the film screenings in the MPM gardens (shown in English, with Spanish subtitles). Tickets cost 8 euros and cover admission to the exhibition and a drink at the MPM Café. Limited places available.
Book in advance at www.museopicassomalaga.org and the Museum ticket offices.
29th JUNE, 9.00 pm
Tour of the exhibition, followed by the screening of:
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
Director: Jim Sharman
Year: 1975. Duration: 100’ (English, Spanish subtitles).
27th JULY, 9.00 pm
Tour of the exhibition, followed by the screening of:
Director: Roger Vadim
Year: 1968. Duration: 94’ (English, Spanish subtitles).
24th AUGUST, 9.00 pm
Tour of the exhibition, followed by the screening of:
The Party
Director: Blake Edwards
Year: 1968. Duration: 99’ (English, Spanish subtitles).
15th SEPTEMBER, 9.00 pm
Tour of the exhibition, followed by the screening of:
Yellow Submarine
Director: George Dunning
Year: 1968. Duration: 90’ (English, Spanish subtitles).
Doors open for the tour at 8.45pm.
No admittance as from 15mn after the start of the tour.
Doors open for the film at 9.45pm.
Related Exhibition

Warhol. Mechanical Art