Concerts of classical and contemporary music, seminars on photography and engraving, theatre for children, educational workshops, guided tours, poetry readings, flamenco and jazz, are just some of the activities with which the MPM complements its art programme.
Museo Picasso Málaga is kicking off the year by presenting the new cultural activities scheduled for the first quarter, along with the continuing cycles that began at the end of 2011. Concerts of classical and contemporary music, seminars on photography and engraving, theatre for children, educational workshops, guided tours, poetry readings, flamenco and jazz, are just some of the activities with which the MPM complements its art programme. Several of these activities are part of the Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";"s Gaze programme, which will continue all this year, and which is organized by the Junta de Andalucía and other institutions.
By programming these activities, the aim is for Museo Picasso Malaga to become a lively venue for culture, where people can relate to the arts, through the arts, fostering knowledge and a critical approach and employing various formats, schedules and spaces. So from now until July this year, there will be a series of activities that target at all kinds of public: adults, toddlers and children, those with special needs, families, and more.
To organize this programme of cultural activities, MPM has once again joined forces with various local institutions in Malaga and the rest of Andalusia, such as the Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra, the Andalusian Centre for Literature, the Malaga Film Festival and the Heeren Flamenco Foundation, while over the next few months there will be new collaborative projects with Teatro Cánovas.
&emsp";" >";" JANUARY 2012
Organized by Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, this new edition of the 18th Contemporary Music Cycle will once again pay tribute to a major name in music. This year, the cycle is dedicated Leonardo Balada.
Balada was born in Barcelona in the 1930s, but spent most of his life in the United States. The maestro&rsquo";"s compositions reveal his Spanish-American influences, which are ever-present in his long and multifaceted musical catalogue. He was also an eminent teacher, a fact that can be testified by his pupils, who will also be performing in this cycle.
For the first time, and in line with its policy of fostering collaboration with Malaga&rsquo";"s local institutions, the Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium will be hosting five of the concerts that have been scheduled for various different venues in Malaga.
In collaboration with the Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga. Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";"s Gaze programme
16th January PABLO AMORÓ";"S
Part One Música en cuatro tiempos…Leonardo Balada Zeffiroso…Andrés Valero Castells Retumbante…Stephen Hartke Transparency on Chopin&rsquo";"s first ballad…Leonardo Balada
Part Two Mini-Miniatures*…Leonardo Balada Tribute to Leonardo Balada*…Daniel Mateos Three little pieces for piano&hellip";“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;"…Bomi Jang Persistencies…Leonardo Balada
(*) World premier
Adagio nº";" 1, for cello…Leonardo Balada Mirrors, for flute and cello…Kaija Saariaho Three Transparencies of a Bach Prelude, for cello and piano…Leonardo Balada Improvisaciones en trío, for violin, horn and piano…Amando Blanquer Horizontes de silencio, for flute, clarinet, piano, violin and cello&hellip";"…Iluminada Pérez Cuatris, for flute, clarinet, cello and piano…Leonardo Balada Hag, for flute, horn, piano, violin and cello…José Manuel López López
Part One Miniaturas …Leonardo Balada Caprichos nº";" 1, for guitar and string quartet … Leonardo Balada (A tribute to Federico García Lorca)
Part Two String quartet nº";" 3…Sofía Gubaidulina String quartet nº";" 3…Krzysztof Penderecki
23rd January TRÍ";"O ARRIAGA
Part One Diario de sueños…Leonardo Balada To Xavier Montsalvatge, on the centenary of his birth. Trío…Xavier Montsalvatge
Part Two Caprichos nº";" 9, for violin…Leonardo Balada To Mompou, on the 25th anniversary of his death. Federico Mompou, in memoriam…Luis De Pablo Trio tribute to Mompou…Antón García April Canción callada…Cristóbal Halffter (In memoriam, Federico Mompou)
Part One Vine, vine, Vinalesa…Josep Sanz Biosca Mosaico…Leonardo Balada Colisión sonora …Carlos Cruz De Castro Frammenti 5 …Emilio Calandín
Part Two Odd man out …Stanley Friedman Parable II …Vincent Persichetti The Madding Crowd …Lansing D. Mcloskey Road Rage …Joshua Hauser
All tickets 5 euros Advance sales at the museum ticket office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance
GIACOMETTI AT MPM Saturday 28th January From 11.00h to 20.00h
Coinciding with the last days of the exhibition Alberto Giacometti. A Retrospective, Museo Picasso Málaga is devoting a full day to the Swiss artist, in which there will a number of activities for different publics. José Manuel Cabra de Luna and Diego Santos will discuss the work of Alberto Giacometti in the company of the artistic director of Museo Picasso Málaga, José Lebrero Stals. Led by the museum&rsquo";"s educational staff, the family tours and workshops See, Touch, Make and Shaped Forms, and the interactive tour for adults, Through Your Hands, will make up the rest of the programme for the day.
THE LOOK SOME MORE EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMME September 2011 &ndash";" June 2012
Once again, Museo Picasso Malaga&rsquo";"s educational and communication strategies will be used on a regular basis in the classrooms of Colegio Rosario Moreno, where both pupils and teachers will be taking part. The 2010-11 school year showed that pupils who are exposed to this way of viewing things for a length of time become more open and flexible in their approach to art. They are more observant, more confident, and they draw more conclusions.
This project is run in collaboration with Obra Social Unicaja.
>";" FEBRUARY 2012
In February, the third cycle of Flamenco at MPM continues. The programme has been coordinated by Fernando Iwasaki and Marta Carrasco, in collaboration with Fundación Cristina Heeren de Arte Flamenco, and it brings together a number of performers whose art is aimed at reflecting on the relationship between humour and Flamenco.
Flamenco has always been at odds with seriousness and solemnity. Yet despite this merry and relaxed spirit, flamenco is interspersed with severity, and can even be tragic or unsettling. So the third edition of Flamenco at MPM is aimed at exploring everything in flamenco that is playful and cheeky, its humour and double meanings, while paying tribute to all the artists who have made humour their expressive medium.
Friday 3rd February Flamenco tratado (Treating Flamenco) CHONI &";" CÍ";"A FLAMENCA Presented by Fernando Iwasaki
Friday 16th March Daniel er Travieso(Dennis the Menace, Flamenco-style) NIÑ";"O DE PURA Presented by Fernando Iwasaki
Friday 20th April Desplumados (Plucked) FERNANDO ROMERO Y RAMÓ";“N MARTÍ”;"NEZ Presenta Marta Carrasco
All tickets 6 euros Advance sales at the museum ticket office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance No entry into the auditorium once performances have begun
&emsp";" CYCLE OF CHAMBER MUSIC MPM Auditorium, 21.00 h October 2011-May 2012
Once again this year, the fifth Cycle of Chamber Music, organized by the Orquesta Filarmónica de Málaga, has drawn up an ambitious programme comprising some of the choicest pieces from the Western chamber music repertoire. This time, the cycle has been opened up to other groups in order to enhance the highly attractive programme of concerts, which will bring us two stars from orbits that work well together: Brahms and Schoenberg.
This fifth cycle will also offer some rare titbits: unique pieces from the repertoire and stimulating incursions into the art of transcription that we will be able to hear in the closing piece of the last concert in the cycle: the Octet in E-flat major, an arrangement - very possibly by the composer himself - of Mozart&rsquo";"s Quintet KV 452.
Part One Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)&hellip";“.&hellip”;“…Trio for flute, cello and piano in G Major Carl M. von Weber (1786-1826)&hellip”;“&hellip”;"…Trio for flute, cello and piano in G Minor, op. 63
Part Two Bohuslav Martinu (1890-1959)&hellip";“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“.&hellip”;“&hellip”;“…&hellip”;"Trio for flute, cello and piano, H. 300
Part One Johann Sebastian Bach… Sonata nº";" 3 for violin and harpsichord in E Major BWV 1016 Johann Sebastian Bach… Sonata for violin and piano nº";" 3 in D Minor, op. 108
Part Two Olivier Messiaen Quartet for the End of Time Commemorating the 70th anniversary of its premiere in Stalag VIII, in Gö";"rlitz concentration camp (Germany), on 15th January, 1941
Part One Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)…Quartet in D minor, Op. 76 nº";" 5 Franz Schubert (1797-1828)…Quartettsatz in C minor, D 703
Part Two Antonin Dvorák (1841-1904)…Quartet nº";" 12 in F major, Op. 96 &ldquo";“American&rdquo”;"
Part One Franz A. Berwald (1796-1868)&hellip";“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“.&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;“&hellip”;"Grand septet in B-flat major
Part Two W. A. Mozart (1756-1791)…Octet in E-flat major (arr. Quintet KV 452)
All tickets 6 euros Advance sales at the museum ticket office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance No entry into the auditorium once performances have begun
This activity is aimed at children between 4 and 9 years of age. It combines visits to the exhibition rooms and the Crommlynck printing press, which has been set up in the art museum, and creative work and handicrafts in the museum&rsquo";"s workshop area. The participants will be able to discover different printing techniques and will work with them, inspired by works on display at the Museum.
Sponsored by Catherine Hutin-Blay. For information and to sign up: MPM Educational Department www.museopicassomalaga.org &emsp";" >";" MARCH 2012
These talks will provide a framework for analysing the two exhibitions that will be on at Museo Picasso Málaga: Prince / Picasso and MemyselfandI, Photographic portraits of Picasso, and the of the Crommelynck printing press which has been set up. It is a context for approaching the work of Richard Prince that combines mythology, appropriation and collecting, as well as an overview of Picasso&rsquo";“s image as it was recorded and built up over the years by a series of major photographers. &ldquo”;“Private mythologies&rdquo”;" have criss-crossed the lives and the work of both Richard Prince and Pablo Picasso.
Part One: Photography, myth and appropriation. Wednesdays in March, 19h
Part Two: Engraving. Wednesdays in May, 19h
Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";"s Gaze programme
FAMILY DAY Saturday, 17th March From 11.00h to 14.00h
As it does with every change of season, Museo Picasso Málaga will be welcoming in the spring by celebrating all morning, with the MPM&rsquo";“s Family Day. Guided tours, workshops and storytellers will help families to enjoy Pablo Picasso&rsquo”;"s work together.
Children at MPM. A Boxful of Surprises, the cycle of theatre for children and all the family, will start off its fifth season this spring with an elaborate programme of shows that employ many different techniques: shadow theatre, projections, live electro-acoustic music, bel canto, clowns, puppets, performances by actors… special on-stage dreams that will be brought to us from Belgium, Holland and Italy. Different and evocative, their diversity will help us take a critical approach to things. This spring, A Boxful of Surprises will bring us visual theatre and object-theatre, with shows that combine images with live music, and which feature the work of artists Rob Logister and Antonio Catalano, as well as the highly original Claire de Lune Thè";“â”;"tre. Cycle coordinated by Nani Soriano.
4th March, 12.00h Omelette CLAIR DE LUNE THÉ";“”;"TRE. Brussels, Belgium. Recommended age: 5 years onwards. Premier in Andalusia
11th &";" 18th March, 12.00h Barbacana TITIRITRÁ";"N TEATRO. Granada, Spain. Recommended age: from 6 years up.
25th March, 12.00 &";" 13.00h Klik Klak COMPAÑ";“Í”;"A LICHTBENDE. Amsterdam, Holland. Recommended age: 4 years onwards Premier in Andalusia
15th April, 12.00 &";" 13.00h Tic Tac Tic COMPAÑ";“Í”;"A UNIVERSI SENSIBILI. Castagnole Monferrato, Italy. Recommended age: from 3 to 6 years. Premier in Andalusia
22nd &";" 29th April, 12.00h Ping MARÍ";"A PARRATO PUPPET COMPANY . Segovia, Spain. Recommended age: from 3 to 6 years.
All tickets : 4 euros Advance ticket sales from 6th February at the museum box office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance No entry into the auditorium once performances have begun
>";" APRIL 2012
EASTER WORKSHOP 3rd &";" 4th April
After visiting the Museum&rsquo";"s exhibition rooms and the Crommelynck printing press, children aged from 4 to 9 years will go to the workshop area to work on some of the techniques Picasso used in his own graphic works, using the art they have seen in the museum for their inspiration.
Sponsored by Catherine Hutin-Blay. For information and to sign up: MPM Education Department www.museopicassomalaga.org
MALAGA FILM FESTIVAL Screenings and talks From 21st to 28th April
As has become traditional, Museo Picasso Málaga will once again be cooperating with the Malaga Festival of Spanish Films. The screenings will be part of the Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";“s Gaze programme. &emsp”;" >";" MAY 2012
During the months of May and June, the third edition of the My First Play programme will take place. This cycle of theatre for babies is especially devoted to children aged from six months to three years. Museo Picasso Málaga is one of the few permanent venues in Spain for theatre for babies and toddlers, and it has led teh way with artistic events for young children. This time, three very different works will be presented. They each have a unique approach, combining subjects such as the joy of play and the discovery of life. It is fascinating to watch the live artistic exchange that takes place between babies and the stage, and a unique experience that adults can offer as a gift to their babies.
6th &";" 13th May, 11.00, 12.00 &";" 13.00 h On the Tip of my Tongue LA CASA INCIERTA. Madrid, Spain. Recommended age: from 6 months to 3 years old. Premier in Andalusia
20th &";" 27th May, 11.00, 12.00 &";" 13.00 h Lalü";" LA SAL TEATRO. Granada, Spain. Recommended age: from 6 months to 3 years old.
3rd &";" 10th June, 11.00, 12.00 &";" 13.00 h Afuera es un lugar ARENA EN LOS BOLSILLOS. Granada, Spain. Recommended age: from 1 to 3 years.
All tickets 4 euros Advance sales at the museum ticket office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance No entry into the auditorium once performances have begun
MUSIC AT MPM. SAXO JAZZ May - June, 21.00 h
One hundred years since it first burst onto the jazz scene, the saxophone still imposes its rules on the world of improv. Its codes and languages continue to expand its idiosyncrasy, using the past to propel it forward with the times. The four concerts in this cycle, in which the sax is the focus, show us the evolution and current validity of this instrument, and also its various alliances and contexts. Several generations of European and American musicians have cleared the way and enhanced the language of an instrument that has broken through the confines of aesthetics by embracing its role as a symbol. Cycle coordinated by Salvador Catalán.
11th May TONY MALABY´";"S PALOMA RECIO (USA) Tony Malaby, sax Ben Monder, guitar Eivind Opsvik, bass Nasheet Waits, drums
25th May ATOMIC (Norway and Sweden) Fredrik Ljungkvist, sax and clarinet Magnus Broo, trumpet Hä";“vard Wiik, piano Ingebrit Hä”;"ker Flaten, bass Paal Nilssen-Love, drums
8th de June GREG OSBY MARC COPLAND DUO (USA) Greg Osby, sax Marc Copland, piano
15th de June PARKER - GUY &ndash";" LYTTON (UK) Evan Parker, tenor sax, soprano sax Barry Guy, bass Paul Lytton, drums and percussion
All tickets 9 euros Advance sales at the museum ticket office and www.unientradas.es Tickets on sale at the Auditorium one hour before the performance No entry into the auditorium once performances have begun
>";" JUNE 2012
POETRY AT MPM Garden of the Museo Picasso Málaga, 21.00h Thursdays in June
Every Thursday in the month of June, the garden of the Palacio de Buenavista will welcome both Spanish and international poets, who will be reading their work to the audience. This is the fourth edition of Poetry at MPM, which is organized by Museo Picasso Málaga in collaboration with Centro Andaluz de las Letras
With the collaboration of Centro Andaluz de las Letras.
In 2012, the Museum became part of this event by serving as the venue for one of the puppet shows. The most well-known companies in this unique form of theatre will be attending the festival, both because of its appeal and validity, and its ability to draw in new audiences. There will be wooden, cardboard, rag, plastic and metal puppets, a perfect combination of tradition and modernity that employs a language that is simple, but which requires a great deal of imagination and technical skill.
With the collaboration of Teatro Cánovas.
Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";"s Gaze programme.
A DAY AT MPM Saturday, 9th June
On this day at the beginning of the summer, the museum will extend the opening hours of its exhibition rooms. Educational activities, workshops and archaeological visits will also be held. The day will be full of music, theatre and dance - and all at a reduced price. With the collaboration of Teatro Cánovas, the Auditorium will serve for the first time as the venue for the 7th Comedy Cycle, bringing to MPM a series of stand-up comedians who are guaranteed to make their audiences burst out laughing.
Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";"s Gaze programme.
SEMINAR: PICASSO FROM MÁ";"LAGA From 26th to 28th June
This seminar will take place within the context of the temporary exhibition of the same name. It will feature talks by experts on Pablo Picasso and on the historical events in Malaga in the late 19th century. They will talk about the city at that time and the influence that Malaga had upon Picasso &ndash";" an influence that was to be seen throughout his artistic career.
Picasso 20 Gazes. Malaga, 20 Years under Picasso&rsquo";“s Gaze programme. &emsp”;" >";" JULY
To make good use of the summer holidays, Museo Picasso Málaga will be organizing workshops in which children can explore different sections of the Museum, talk about Picasso&rsquo";"s work in the exhibition rooms, and create their own artworks in the workshop.
Sponsored by Catherine Hutin-Blay. For information and to sign up: MPM Education Department www.museopicassomalaga.org &emsp";" >";" VISITAS MPM
GALLERY TALKS Thursdays at 18.00h These tours will focus on MPM&rsquo";"s temporary exhibitions or specific themes. Tours are included in the price of admission. Sign up at the ticket office.
GETTING TO KNOW THE COLLECTION Tuesday at 18.00 &";" 19.00h Wednesday at 11.30h, in English Saturdays at 13.00, 18.00 &";" 19.00h A guided tour through highlighted and selected works from the MPM Collection, led by a member of the MPM educational staff. Tours are included in the price of admission. Sign up at the ticket office
BRING THE KIDS On week-ends, children can attend our workshop-tours while the grown-ups go on a private tour of the permanent collection, the temporary exhibitions, or the museum architecture.
ACTIVITIES FOR GROUPS OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS For more information, check with the MPM Education Department: www.museopicassomalaga.org
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