© Museo Picasso Málaga
To mark the forthcoming opening of the exhibition The Echo of Picasso, two galleries housing the collection of the Museo Picasso Málaga have been transformed. As from today September 21 until February 4, 2024, rooms X and XI are showing The Many Faces of Picasso’s Late Work, a selection of portraits executed by Picasso between 1961 and 1971.
Devised by Michael FitzGerald, professor of fine arts at Trinity College in Hartford (United States), The Many Faces of Picasso’s Late Work relates the Museo Picasso Málaga’s collection to The Echo of Picasso, the last exhibition staged as part of the international Picasso Celebration. 1973–2023 programme, which opens on October 3.
Despite Picasso’s worldwide fame, his late paintings were very widely criticised during his lifetime, and they remain among his most controversial works. In recent years, however, they have become admired as expressions of his remarkable artistic vitality late in life and have inspired current generations of young artists.
The Many Faces of Picasso’s Late Work, hosted in rooms X and XI of the Málaga museum, focuses on one of Picasso’s most frequent subjects – the human face – to present the variety of styles he invented to capture images. Whether portraying the precise features of elders, who sometimes suggest self-portraits, or the startling blank face of a woman holding a child, Picasso’s paintings demonstrate the remarkable originality of conception and freedom of execution that define the culmination of his long career.
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The Echo of Picasso
Curated by Éric Troncy