In 2010, the Museo Picasso Málaga recorded a total of 345,742 visitors to the Museum, along with almost 6,600 participants in its cultural activities. These visitor numbers show an increase of more than 6% over last year.
The Museo Picasso Málaga&rsquo";“s busy exhibition year in 2010 aroused the interest of more than 345,000 locals and visitors, who came along to the Palacio de Buenavista to view the works of Pablo Picasso that were on display this year in various different showcases of the MPM&rsquo”;“s permanent collection. The temporary exhibitions, Franti&scaron”;“ek Kupka. Artworks form the Centre Pompidou Collection”;" Picasso. Horses";" Bill Viola: Figurative Works and Toys of the Avant-Garde, which is currently still on, were also very well received by the public, who were able to take a closer look at the work of the Andalusian artist and the art of his time, as well as with the imprint he left on contemporary artists.
Visitors to MPM With the purpose of ensuring each visit is a unique experience and offering a high standard of service, the Museum conducts regular surveys of its visitors, in which they express their opinion on various aspects of the museum&rsquo";“s cultural offer. Analysis of these surveys reveals that visitors&rsquo”;" average opinion of the full visit is almost total satisfaction, rating 8.4 out of 10.
Around 90 % of those who replied to the survey stated that the MPM visit had fulfilled, or even gone beyond, their expectations. Over 80% said that they would definitely recommend the visit, and over 40% said they intended to come back within the year.
Almost 65% of the museum&rsquo";“s visitors were from abroad. Of these, the main countries of origin were the United Kingdom (20.8%), Germany (11.4%), Italy (9.7%), France (9.3%), Holland (6%) and the United States (5.7%). When we enquired about their main reason for visiting Malaga, 45.2% mentioned the region&rsquo”;"s cultural appeal in general, while 17.8% said they enjoyed the fine weather and Andalusian beaches. Around 60% had planned a visit to the Museum before travelling to the city.
Cultural Activities Alongisde the number of visitors to the MPM&rsquo";"s permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, over 6,600 people registered for the 2010 cultural activities, attending the lectures, concerts, illustrated talks, poetry readings, theatre for the family and seminars that were held in the Museum and its grounds.
One such event was the seminar on the work of Kupka, held in March, or the three seminars held in Autumn which examined the relationships between art, childhood, the avant-garde and Utopia. Literature was also present, thanks to an agreement signed with the Andalusian Centre for Literature which brought prominent Andalusian writers, such as Justo Navarro, Aurora Luque and Elvira Lindo, to the MPM.
Musical events included the MPM&rsquo";"s collaboration with the Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra, which performed the IV Cycle of Chamber Concerts in the MPM Auditorium. This series began in September, and will continue until May 2011.
Other musical events that were very well received were the continuation of the Flamenco at the Picasso cycle, which began in November 2009, in collaboration with the Cristina Heeren Foundation for Flamenco Art, and the new Just Jazz at the Picasso cycle, which was hailed with enthusiasm by jazz lovers. The warm response of the audience hints at further editions being held in the future. The same can be said of the Kids at the Picasso family theatre programme. A Boxful of Surprises, which began last spring, was reprised in autumn and is expected to return in 2011.
Related Exhibition
Toys of the Avant-garde