The Museo Picasso Málaga is again collaborating with the Málaga Festival, now in its twenty-sixth year. Over the next few days, the Museo Picasso Málaga’s auditorium will host a programme featuring the screening of documentaries, tributes to filmmakers Carlos Saura and Agustí Villaronga, roundtables, and the award of the RTVA prize, making it one of the main venues during this week of Spanish film celebrations. Tickets for this programme of activities are now available from Teatro Cervantes, Cine Albéniz and at www.festivaldemalaga.com.
For another year running, the Museo Picasso Málaga is one of the venues of the Málaga Film Festival. As part of its Documentaries section, a number of films will be screened throughout the week, including: Ida Vitale, by María Arrillaga; La exposición, by David Moya; Trans-universal, by Rafatal; La importancia de llamarse Ernesto y la gilipollez de llamarse Eric, by César Martínez Herrada; Hay una puerta ahí, by Facundo Ponce de León and Juan Ponce de León; Manuel Falces, inventario de espejos, by José Manuel Mouriño; Dorinico, cómo conseguir un sueño, by Ricard Peitx; Hotel Torremolinos, by Sergio Crespo; Feudo, by Javi Barón; La última lidia, by Ismael Morillo; and Siempre te llevo conmigo, by José Rodríguez-Vergara.
On Wednesday, March 15 at 8.30 p.m., a tribute will be paid to director Carlos Saura (1932–2023) with the screening of Las paredes hablan (Walls can talk). It is a documentary made from the Aragonese filmmaker’s personal and unique viewpoint, portraying the evolution of art and its relationship with the wall as a canvas on which to create, from the first graphic revolutions in prehistoric caves to the most avant-garde expressions of street art. On Thursday, March 16 at 5.00 p.m., the MPM Auditorium will host another tribute, this time to director Agustí Villaronga (1953–2023) with the screening of El ventre del mar (The Belly of the Sea), based on a novel by Alessandro Baricco, which won the gold Biznaga and another six awards at the Málaga Film Festival two years ago.
In addition, on Monday, March 13 at 6.15 p.m., there will be a roundtable discussion entitled ‘Convivir con ELA’ (Living with ALS), and the RTVA Award will be presented on Thursday, March 16 at 1 p.m., in recognition of the artists of the seventh art who help disseminate the work performed in Andalusia. Other events held in the Malaga Festival Industry Zone (MAFIZ) will attract media attention on the mornings of Tuesday, April 14, Wednesday, April 15, and Thursday, April 16.
Málaga Festival contributes to the development of Spanish films by screening the best documentaries, shorts, and other films, as well as paying tribute to prominent people in the film industry and organising many cycles, exhibitions, and side activities. Málaga Festival is geared for all kinds of audiences, and one of its chief aims is to present and promote a wide-ranging film culture. For this purpose, it focuses on training, creativity, and innovation within the framework of an activity that is notable for its dynamism and is constantly evolving and changing. Tickets for this activity programme are available from Teatro Cervantes, Cine Albéniz and www.festivaldemalaga.com
MPM Auditorium
Sat March 11, 2023
6.00 p.m. Documentary Ida Vitale, by María Arrillaga (83’)
8.00 p.m. Documentary La exposición, by David Moya Algaba (72’)
Sun Mar 12, 2023
4.00 p.m. Documentary Trans-universal, by Rafael Robles Rafatal (80’)
6.00 p.m. Documentary La importancia de llamarse Ernesto y la gilipollez de llamarse Eric, by César Martínez Herrada (96’)
8.00 p.m. Documentary Hay una puerta ahí, by Facundo Ponce de León and Juan Ponce de León (80’)
Mon Mar 13, 2023
4.30 p.m. Documentary Manuel Falces, inventario de espejos, by José Manuel Mouriño (81’)
6.15 p.m. Roundtable ‘Convivir con el ELA’ (Living with ALS).
Juan Carlos Unzué, former footballer
Xavier Torres, codirector of the documentary Unzué. L’últim equip del Juancar
Facundo Ponce de León and Juan Ponce de León, directors of the documentary Hay una puerta ahí
Enric Benito, physician, oncologist
Moderator: Ángel Escalera, journalist
8.00 p.m. Documentary Dorinico, como conseguir un sueño, by Ricard Peitx (80’)
Tue Mar 14, 2023
10.00 a.m. MAFIZ roundtable Secretary of State ‘Dos años de impulso al sector audiovisual: impacto y retos’ (Two years promoting the audiovisual sector: impact and challenges)
María González Veracruz, Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures
María Peña. Managing Director of ICEX
Tito Rodríguez. Director of Marketing Policies at ICAA
Natalia Jaquotot Garre, Deputy Director General for Taxes on Legal Entities (Ministry of Finance and Public Administration)
Santiago Yerga, Director General for Migrations (Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations)
Moderator: Cristina Morales, Deputy Director General for the Regulation of Audiovisual Communication Services (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation)
4.30 p.m. Documentary Hotel Torremolinos, by Sergio Crespo (77’)
6.15 p.m. Documentary Feudo, by Javi Barón (72’)
8.00 p.m. Documentary La última Lidia, by Ismael Morillo (90’)
Wed Mar 15, 2023
11.00 a.m. MAFIZ Spain Film Commission ‘Incentivos fiscales a la producción audiovisual: oportunidades y diversidad’ (Tax incentives for audiovisual production: opportunities and diversity).
Speaker: Natacha Mora (Canary Island Film)
Moderator: Francisco Menéndez (Partner at WeLaw)
12.00 a.m. MAFIZ Green Shooting Spain Film Commission. Presentation of the report ‘Situación actual de las iniciativas de sostenibilidad en el sector audiovisual en España y Europa’ (Current situation of sustainability initiatives in the audiovisual sector in Spain and Europe)
Luis Cueto, Advisor to the Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructures
Juan Manuel Guimeráns, Secretary General of Spain Film Commission
Rosa García, President of REDCAU, Red de Clústers Audiovisuales de España
Florencio Manteca, Director of Energy Transition at CENER.
5.00 p.m. 5 minutes of cinema
Pacto de silencio, by César Vallejo and Ángela Gallardo
Roca Alpha Cero: los secretos del caso Malaya, by Mónica Palomero
6.30 p.m. Film Las paredes hablan (Walls can talk) (75’), tribute to Carlos Saura
Thu Mar 16, 2023
9.00 a.m. MAFIZ. Presentation Platino Industria EGEDA
1.00 p.m. RTVA award
5.00 p.m. Film El ventre del mar (The Belly of the Sea) (75’), tribute to Agustí Villaronga
8.30 p.m. Documentary Siempre te llevo conmigo, by José Rodríguez-Vergara (113’)
Fri Mar 17, 2023
6.00 p.m. Tribute to Fernando ‘La Estrella’