Twelve shows by Ana Crismán Arpa Jonda, Hermanas Bautista, Carrasco Family Project, La Fabi, Israel Fernández and Diego del Morao, José del Tomate and his group, Lela Soto, La Negra y el Panky, Pedro Ojesto & Flamenco Jazz Company, Pepe Luis Carmona Habichuela, Rafael Riqueni and Rancapino Chico, will bring the duende to the Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium on 27th, 28th and 29th June, for the FlamencoEñe 4th Flamenco Showcase for International Programmers.
The 4th Flamenco Showcase for International Programmers, FlamencoEñe 2019, takes place this week, from 27th to 29th June, in the Museo Picasso Málaga Auditorium. This initiative was set up in 2016 by the Fundación SGAE, in collaboration with Museo Picasso Málaga, with the aim of promoting the international scope of Spanish flamenco. Festival representatives and promotors will attend these twelve shows along with the general public, with matinée and evening performances that showcase the most representative flamenco on offer today.
The varied line-up of this 4th edition of FlamencoEñe comprises daring projects that combine both roots and fusion. They feature young female flamenco artists who are having great success in the tablaos, who will sing accompanied by heirs of some of the dynasties with the greatest duende and tradition, and intrepid artists who have dared to combine the different genres within flamenco. Over three days, the MPM Auditorium will host a total of 12 showcase concerts, with some of the most representative Spanish flamenco projects available today. The programme brings together familiar, well-known names with young talent and highly varied styles: Ana Crismán Arpa, Hermanas Bautistas, Carrasco Family Project, La Fabi, Israel Fernández y Diego del Morao, José del Tomate and his group, Lela Soto, La Negra y el Panky, Pedro Ojesto & Flamenco Jazz Company, Pepe Luis Carmona Habichuela, Rafael Riqueni y Rancapino Chico.
Representatives of thirteen festivals and flamenco promoters from the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Nited Kingdom, France, Italy, Portugal and the Netherlands will come to Málaga with the aim of hiring artists for the following events: Old Town School of Folk Music (Chicago, USA); World Music / CRASHarts (Massachusetts, USA); Los Angeles International Flamenco Festival (Los Angeles, USA); Festival Internacional de Santa Lucía (Monterrey, Mexico); Flamenco Festival (New York, USA, and London, UK); Festival Flamenco Esch (Luxembourg); Flamenco Biënnale (Netherlands); ¡Flamenco! - Fondazione Musica Per Roma (Italy); Ringling Theatre, Sarasota (Florida, USA); Viavox (France); Festival Flamenco Lisboa (Portugal); Flamenco Agency (Canada) and the Flamenco Society of San José (California, USA).