Twenty Times Pablo is a programme of activities scheduled for next week to express the Museo Picasso Málaga’s gratitude towards the city and its inhabitants who have accompanied and supported it over these past two decades.
Admission to the Museo Picasso Málaga will be free on October 27, 28 and 29, and there will also be free participatory visits, readings, plays, workshops for schoolchildren, concerts and light painting. To make the programme available to as many people as possible, some of these events will be held in the streets and squares in the vicinity of the museum.
The institutional celebration of the Museum’s 20th anniversary will take place Friday, October 27. Authorities, supporters, sponsors and guests will participate in an event designed as a tribute to Christine Ruiz-Picasso and an acknowledgement of the support received from prominent people.
The Museo Picasso Málaga opened on October 27, 2003, a date that could be considered a before and after for culture in the city of Málaga. Twenty Times Pablo sets out to celebrate with the city these past two decades in which the museum has received more than nine million visitors and achieved national and international recognition as an art institution.
Twenty Times Pablo pays a double tribute to the Museo Picasso Málaga’s twenty years of existence, as well as to the city and the visitors who have accompanied and supported its shows and activities throughout these two decades. Concerts, visits, music, readings, plays and poetry are just some of the activities scheduled for different audiences with the aim of continuing to make the museum a space for meeting and reflection where art and culture can be enjoyed and shared. The activities held outside the museum are designed to express this gratitude to the city and most of them will take place in nearby streets and squares.
Admission to the Museo Picasso Málaga and all the activities relating to this event will be free on Friday October 27 as well as on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29.
Friday October 27 will begin with a parade with costume heads at 11.30 a.m. and continue with a performance by Vibra-Tó together with more than 200 schoolchildren musicians. A marquee located on Calle Alcazabilla is the venue for the workshops for youngsters organised by the Museo Picasso’s department of educational and cultural activities. At 7.00 p.m. that evening guitarist Alejandro Hurtado will give a recital entitled Homenaje a la guitarra (Tribute to Guitar) in the same marquee, followed at 8.30 p.m. by Rosario La Tremendita and her concert Tremenda (Tremendous).
Authorities and guests will attend the institutional event held in the MPM auditorium at 5.30 p.m. as a tribute to Christine Ruiz-Picasso and to acknowledge the support given to the museum by prominent people of the city of Málaga and the regional government of Andalusia.
On Saturday October 28, the Museo Picasso Málaga will bring together fifty young people of Málaga who turn 20 in 2023 in an event with influencers I’M 20 held at midday in the MPM’s garden, accompanied by music. Meanwhile, Málaga-born actress Adelfa Calvo will read texts by Picasso in different areas of the permanent collection housed in the Palacio de Buenavista in two sessions, one at 12.00 noon and the other at 1.00 p.m. The schedule for this day also includes poetry, with an improvised poetic action Al límite de lo indecible (On the Verge of the Unspeakable) in the Plaza de la Higuera from 10.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. and from 4.00 p.m. to 8.00 p.m. The day’s celebrations continue with Una sombra en busca de la luz (A Shadow in Pursuit of Light, a shadow play for adults inspired by Guernica, which will be performed by the Luz, micro y punto company in the MPM’s auditorium at 7.00 p.m. They end in the Eduardo Ocón auditorium in the city’s park with a visual and sound concert by Ylia + Liquid Sky, Cruhda + Balcanes and Margarita Quebrada + Duelo.
The Sunday October 29 events begin with a multidisciplinary play Historia de un calcetín (Story of a Sock) by Canica Teatro aimed at families with children aged 4 to 8, at 12 noon in the MPM auditorium. In the afternoon there will be a concert at 7.30 p.m. in the MPM’s garden by Javier Denis &Andalusí Jazz Band, who took part in the museum’s opening twenty years ago. Finally, on Tuesday October 31 Niño de Elche will perform a concert at 8.00 p.m. in the Plaza de la Constitución entitled Fandango cubista (Cubist Fandango), bringing the Museo Picasso Málaga’s commemorations to a close.
In addition, on October 27 and 28 the Plaza de la Merced will be the venue for the audiovisual installation Transient - Impermanent Paintings by multimedia artist Quayola, where a giant screen will generate abstract forms and textures using Artificial Intelligence. And from noon to 3.00 p.m. and from 5.00 p.m. to 10.00 p.m. on October 28 and 29 several marquees will host an interactive light painting activity by Children of Darklight at the intersection of Calle Cañón and Calle Postigo de los Abades. Recalling the sessions in which Picasso painted centaurs and minotaurs with light, it offers the audience the experience of a space where light painters produce a ‘Picassian portrait’ of them using light, which they can take home in a printed copy.