18th OFM Chamber Music Series
Sep 17, 2024 —— Jul 8, 2025
In one of his essays on the subject, Ramón Andrés wrote that musical art, in keeping with the Greco-Latin tradition, rescues from oblivion human beings’ expressive need, elevated to a sacred element, and turns its survival into a constant devotional gaze of eternity within the vast sea of cultures shaped over the millennia throughout the length and breadth of our planet. In this connection, this eighteenth edition of one of the longest-running music series of all those currently organised by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Malaga (OFM) spans an interesting array of styles in the characteristic intimate setting of the Christine Ruiz-Picasso auditorium at the Museo Picasso in Malaga. A combination of historical music with a distinct reference to Spanish tradition and jazz from all times, the voice as the protagonist and instrumental music, with a special nod to women creators, it features an interesting set of events based around the packed programme published below. Pure musical enjoyment in your memory.
7.00 p.m. Canciones de amor (Love songs). Selection of pieces by José Marín and Gaspar Sanz.
Tenor: Juan Sancho
Guitar/Lute: Nacho Laguna
José Marín (1618–1699)
¡Qué bien canta un ruiseñor…!
Ojos pues me desdeñáis
Sepan todos que muero
Gaspar Sanz (1640–1710)
Instrucción de música sobre la guitarra española. Primer tratado – Jácaras
José Marín (1618–1699)
Hizo paces con Anarda
Aquella sierra nevada
De amores y de ausencias
Gaspar Sanz (1640–1710)
Cifras sobre la guitarra española. Libro segundo – Marionas
José Marín (1618–1699)
Montes del Tajo, escuchad
Canta jilguerillo
Corazón que en prisión
Gaspar Sanz (1640–1710)
Instrucción de música sobre la guitarra española. Primer tratado – Canarios
José Marín (1618–1699)
¡Qué dulcemente suena!
Amante ausente y triste
7.00 p.m. Casals quartet
Violin: Abel Tomàs
Violin: Vera Martínez
Viola: Cristina Cordero
Violoncello: Arnau Tomàs
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750) – The art of fugue, BWV 1080*
*Adaptation by the Casals quartet
7.00 p.m. Piano recital
Piano: Jinhyung Park (Winner of the 64th international piano contest Premio Jaén 2023)
Claude Debussy (1862–1918) - Images, L. 110 (Book One)
Robert Schumann (1810–1856) – Fantasie in C, op. 17
Maurice Ravel (1875–1937) – Pavane for a Dead Princess, M. 19
Franz Liszt (1811–1886) – Piano sonata in B minor, S. 178
7.00 Violoncello and piano duo
Violoncello: Guillermo Pastrana
Piano: Joseph–Maurice Weder
Bohuslav Martinů (1890–1959) – Variations on a Slovakian theme for violoncello and piano, H. 378
César Franck (1822–1890) – Sonata in A major for violoncello and piano*
Astor Piazzolla (1921–1992) – Le Grand Tango
Frédéric Chopin (1810–1849) – Sonata in G minor for violoncello and piano, op. 65
*Arrangement by Jules Delsart (1844–1900)
7.00 p.m. Jazz ensemble
Jazz and poetry: ‘La música acaricia el alma y propicia la palabra’
Voice and piano: Raquel Pelayo
Trumpet and flugelhorn: Ángel San Bartolomé
Poet and author of the poems: Solange Sand
Traditional* - Dear Old Stockholm
Richard Beirach (1947) - Leaving
Poem: Del romanticismo
Roy Hargrove (1969–2018) - Strasbourg/St. Denis
Jimmy Van Heusen (1913–1990) - Polka Dots and Moonbeams
Poema: Aria de ternura
Arthur Schwartz (1900–1984) / Howard Dietz (1896–1983) - Alone Together
Poem: Volverán las noches
Raquel Pelayo Torres (1990) – Kiara
Raquel Pelayo Torres (1990) – Nola
Miles Davis (1926–1991) – Blue in Green
Poem: Lo mejor de Stan Getz
Victor Young (1899–1956) / Wayne King (1901–1985) / Egbert Van Alstyne (1878–1951) / Haven Gillespie (1888–1975) – Beautiful Love
Poem: El vino también llora
Victor Young (1899–1956) / Ned Washington (1901–1976) – My Foolish Heart
Poem: Te nombraré Libera
Bill Evans (1929–1980) / Karen Gallinger – We Will Meet Again
Poem: La música salva
Roy Hargrove (1969–2018) – Crazy Race
*Version by Miles David
7.00 p.m. OFM quartet
Violins: María Vizcaíno and Alicia Ruiz
Viola: Francisco Ruiz
Violoncello: Carlos Puerto
W.A. Mozart (1756–1791) – String quartet no. 15 in D minor, K. 421 / K. 417b
F. Mendelssohn (1809–1847) – String quartet no. 2 in A minor, op. 13
Piano recital
18 de Marzo de 2025
-Pictures at an Exhibition
- Liszt
Consolation No 3
Liebestraum No 3
Aprés une lecture du Dante. Fantasia quasi Sonata, S.161/73
7.00 p.m. Lyrical recital
Soprano: Núria Rial
Piano: Rubén Fernández Aguirre
Frederic Mompou (1893–1987) – Cantar del alma
André Campra (1660–1744) – Les fêtes vénitiennes - Charmant papillon
Antonio Cesti (1623–1669) – L’Orontea - Intorno all’idol mio
Alessandro Scarlatti (1660–1725) – Il Pirro e Demetrio - Le violette
Franz Schubert (1797–1828) – An Silvia, D. 891
Felix Mendelssohn (1809–1847) – Sechs Gesänge mit Begleitung des Pianoforte, op. 34, no. 2 - Auf Flügeln des Gesanges
Johannes Brahms (1833–1897) – 5 Romanzen und Gesänge, op. 84, no. 4 – Vergebliches Ständchen
Charles Gounod (1818–1893) – Marche funèbre d’une marionnette*
Gabriel Faurè (1845–1924) – Cinq mélodies ‘de Venise’, op. 58 – Mandoline
Maurice Ravel (1875–1937) – Deux mélodies hébraïques – Kaddisch
Enrique Granados (1867–1916)
- Doce tonadillas en estilo antiguo, H. 136 – La maja de Goya
- Doce tonadillas en estilo antiguo, H. 136 – El tralalá y el punteado
Manuel García Morante (1937) – Setenta y seis canciones tradicionales catalanas – Mariagneta
Frederic Mompou (1893–1987) – Vocalise a Victoria
Xavier Montsalvatge (1912–2002) – Cinco canciones negras – Punto de Habanera
Jesús Guridi (1886–1961)
- Seis canciones castellanas – No quiero tus avellanas
- Vals de Mirentxu*
Ernesto Halffter (1905–1989) - Seis canciones portuguesas – Ai que linda moça
Eduard Toldrà (1895–1962)
- Seis canciones – Madre, unos ojuelos vi
- L’ombra del lledoner – Cançó de comiat
*Piano solo
7.00 p.m. Reverón trio
Violin: Simón Gollo
Violoncello: Horacio Contreras
Piano: Ana María Otamendi
Dora Pejačević (1885–1923) – Trio for Violin, Violoncello and Piano in C mayor, op. 29
Gilda Lyons (1975) - Folklórico
Gabriela Lena Frank (1972) – Four Folk Songs
7.00 p.m. La Spagna
Clave: Jorge López-Escribano
Theorbo and Baroque guitar: Ramiro Morales
Viola da gamba: Pablo Garrido
Viola da gamba and director: Alejandro Marías
Marin Marais (1656–1728) – Libro IV para viola y continuo – Suitte d’un Goût Étranger
7.00 p.m. OFM Philharmonic Quartet
Violin: Anna Milman
Violin: Silvia Pecile
Viola: Adela Pascual Sánchez
Violoncello: Olga Tarasova
Emilie Mayer (1812–1883) – String quartet no. 1 in G minor, op. 14
Fanny Mendelssohn Hensel (1805–1847) – String quartet in E-flat major