The SDGs at the Picasso

Sustainable development goals and targets

Taking as a starting point the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, this programme of activities addresses contemporary demands, seeking answers to environmental, social and economic problems and challenges in order to progress towards a fairer and more sustainable world.

In 2015, the 192 member states of the United Nations met to sign an agreement: the Agenda 2030. This report includes 17 goals, known as the SDGs, which in turn comprise targets (169 in total) and indicators for assessing the situation. The member states undertook to achieve all 17 goals by 2030.

Museums have an important role to play in this connection by inspiring and encouraging the community and visitors to reflect on the challenges posed.

Accordingly, every month since September 2022, the Museo Picasso Málaga has been running an educational and cultural programme entitled The SDGs at the Picasso based on one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Talks, seminars and debates are held where specialists in different fields of knowledge address issues such as eradicating poverty, gender equality, environmental protection, the importance of assuring healthy lives and wellbeing for everyone, taking care of the oceans and seas, and responsible consumption.

The programme also features workshops for schoolchildren aimed at raising their awareness and encouraging critical thinking in the face of inequality.

